Elegy under the epidemic ︳ Demented father was sent to the hospital for allergies to injections. At the same time, he was diagnosed. After waking up, he could not adapt.

In addition to paying attention to the impact of the new coronavirus on the body during the epidemic, we must also pay attention to the mental and psychological problems it brings. Cognitive psychologist Dr. Zhong Zhuohui shared that the father suffering from dementia was allergic to the new crown vaccine following being vaccinated, shortness of breath and unconsciousness, and he had to be sent to the hospital for treatment. After several times of throat extraction and stealing, the medical staff had to put on a restraint garment for him and tied him to the bed for safety, which made him even more uneasy and refused to eat and excrete. In the end, Dr. Zhong decided to let his father go home and isolate to avoid his father’s serious physical and mental breakdown.


Sick Questions and Answers

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Cognitive psychologist Dr. Zhong Zhuohui recentlyFacebook PageSharing, refers to the only and biggest entertainment in his life since his father became demented. However, the government recently announced the implementation of the vaccine pass. If you do not get vaccinated, you will not be able to enter shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas, markets and other places. Under the coercion and inducement, my father has no choice but to get vaccinated. Unexpectedly, following receiving the second dose of the vaccine, my father developed an allergic reaction, with a red rash all over his body, and symptoms such as dizziness and shortness of breath. Court governance.

His father was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital. Fortunately, following anti-allergic treatment, the situation quickly stabilized. But at the same time, doctors tested him positive for the new coronavirus, and he needed to be sent to the isolation ward of the internal medicine department for observation.

Suffering from dementia, unable to adapt to the new environment, constantly resisting being tied to the hospital bed

Because his father had dementia, he woke up the next day and found himself in an unfamiliar place, and immediately became restless. Upon seeing this, the nurse immediately stopped him and pulled him back to bed; following some explanation and advice, he helped him dismiss the body testing equipment and throat tube once more. But my father quickly unplugged all the tubes and tried to sneak out once more. Considering his father’s unwillingness to obey, and the fact that he was a COVID-19 patient, the medical staff had to put on a restraint garment for him and tied him to the hospital bed for the “safety” of him and others.

Dr. Chung pointed out that he tried to explain his father’s dementia and special behavior to the medical staff, and hoped that he might arrange to communicate with him, but due to the shortage of manpower, and the father’s forced isolation and the use of mobile phones, all requests were not received. Accepted. His father was tied to the bed for two days and two nights. The medical staff put on diapers for him, made him urinate on the bed, and arranged to feed him regularly. During this period, his father was completely unable to move, and his hands might not even scratch it.

He admitted frankly that he understood that the hospital was understaffed and might not have any special care for dementia patients, but such an arrangement was a fatal blow to his father, far more damaging than the new coronavirus.

“In the beginning, my father was still struggling, but on the third day, he became passive and gave up, refused to eat or drink, and finally refused to even have a second bowel movement, so he just held back. The doctor wanted to replace him. Urine insertion, bowel movement, and even more ready to force feed him with stomach insertion.”

The request to loosen the binding was rejected, and he decided to take his father home for isolation and care

Dr. Zhong pointed out that his father did not show any symptoms of the new crown following being admitted to the hospital, nor was he prescribed a new crown drug, but was only “bound and isolated”. With his father’s paranoid personality and distorted consciousness, he would definitely choose to die rather than give in; however, his physical and mental condition is rapidly deteriorating, and if he drags on, he should soon die of “self-abuse” and “abuse” rather than the new crown or other diseases.

Dr. Zhong said that for the elderly who lack self-care ability or dementia patients, contracting the epidemic is not really scary; being forcibly taken to an unknown facility for confinement and isolation is the real horror. Humans are not just survival machines. The key to curing diseases is not limited to healing the body. More importantly, every decision must be in line with the needs of human nature.

Dr. Zhong gave an example. The doctor believed that the father might not urinate or was caused by inflammation of the urethra or intestinal blockage. However, Dr. Zhong believed that the extreme physiological reaction was due to incompatibility with the environment, and his subconscious was acting on the forced restraint. fierce resistance. If you continue to implement the doctor’s treatment method, I am afraid that it will only aggravate the father’s condition and cause further damage to his body and mind.

In this regard, Dr. Chung strongly requested that the urinal be removed for his father, so that he might go to the toilet and defecate freely. He also requested that he only wear a restraint vest instead of being tied to the bed. However, the hospital refused all requests due to lack of staff. Therefore, he had no choice but to “terminate treatment” and asked to take his father home for isolation and take care of himself.

After the father returned home, the condition improved and returned to normal eating and excretion

The doctor once advised that if the father is unable to urinate, he will suffer from kidney failure or urine poisoning in a short time, which may be life-threatening. In addition, there is currently a shortage of beds in the hospital, and once he leaves, it is difficult to return for treatment in a short period of time. However, considering that according to the doctor’s treatment arrangement, his father would have to be bound and quarantined for at least 14 days. In less than a week, his body and mind would have collapsed, so he immediately signed a voluntary discharge statement, expressing his willingness to bear all the medical consequences and responsibilities. ,

“I was thinking, if Dad only had a week left to live, how would he hope to get through it? Would he rather die of illness or linger on without dignity? I believe in my professionalism, and Dad’s body tells got my answer.”

Dr. Chung pointed out that when his father left the hospital in a wheelchair, his face was extremely haggard and his eyes were dull. However, when his father stepped into the house and went home, his tight expression immediately relaxed. He sat limply on the sofa and ate his favorite dim sum and curry beef brisket as if he had been hungry for a long time. It didn’t take long for him to defecate successfully. In the next few days, he did not feel any physical discomfort, and the problem of defecation and urination disappeared.

Dr. Zhong said that although the mother also contracted the virus because of her close care of the father, fortunately, neither of them had any symptoms. My father ate, slept and stretched. He sat on the sofa drinking tea and watching TV as usual every day, laughing at those boring dramas, and he mightn’t tell that he was a patient or that he had been “tortured”. “.

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Confessed that he was worried regarding making a wrong decision and carrying guilt for the rest of his life

Seeing his father recover, Dr. Zhong felt very grateful, but he also admitted that he was worried that he might not know enough regarding his father’s thoughts and feelings, or that he lacked professional knowledge of medicine and made a wrong decision. When a medical decision is made wrong, the harm is not just on the patient, the person making the decision sometimes carries a lifetime of guilt. The magnitude and variety of suffering caused by the decision is sometimes too complex to measure and compare.

Dr. Chung believes that most of the time, family members want to continue to implement all treatments that can improve the patient’s physical state; but subjecting patients who cannot afford life-sustaining medical treatment to meaningless life-sustaining medical treatment will increase their suffering, and even bring regarding pain. Taking the patient’s life is a mistake that should not be made. If his father really lost his life because of his decision, he would definitely be very sad, but he would not regret making this decision for his father, because he was convinced that it was the other party’s will and that he was willing to share the consequences.

Finally, Dr. Zhong hopes that all patients with COVID-19 can recover quickly, escape from the isolation facilities as soon as possible, and regain their freedom of life, so that everyone can survive this epidemic safely. In an interview with The Sky Post, Dr. Zhong said that many people are only concerned regarding the physical harm caused by the sequelae of the new crown, but they did not mention the depression, anxiety and other emotional illnesses and suicide caused by strict epidemic prevention measures or isolation following infection. He said frankly that these mental and psychological problems are actually far more harmful to people than the new crown virus. I hope that more people will pay attention to dementia patients and those elderly people who are incapable of taking care of themselves. Many of the experiences following contracting the new crown are more tragic than the terminal illness. I hope the government will pay attention to the real care needs and mental health of these patients.

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Written by: Chen Letong



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