“Electroshock” from the wholesale price rally

From Greece to Ukraine, the entire Eastern Corridor is once again in the… red with Hungary leading the hike and Balkan countries such as Romania, Bulgaria and Greece following.

It is characteristic that over the last 4 days, from November 9th to tomorrow, November 13th, the average market clearing price (Market Clearing Price MCP), which is essentially the Next Day Market clearing price (DAM price) on the Greek Energy Exchange, has increased 150% from €91.92 per megawatt hour on November 9th to €229.84 per megawatt hour tomorrow November 13th. The change in the wholesale price is attributed to the increased demand, which occurred due to the drop in temperature.

In detail, wholesale electricity prices in Greece have been set as follows:

-9 November 91.92 €/MWh,

-10 November 111.92 €/MWh,

-11 November 173.78 €/MWh,

-12 November 202.22 €/MWh,

-13 November 229.84 €/MWh,

Total increase +150% in 4 days.

An increase in tariffs is imminent


Average wholesale price: €90.05/MWh

Electricity bill (400 kWh) €56


Average wholesale price: €129.71/MWh (+44%)

Electricity bill (400 kWh) €79)

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Alexandra Sdoukou, speaking to ERT and the show “Connections” from Baku regarding the increase in electricity prices, explained that: “The recent increase in the wholesale price is mainly due to the decrease in production from renewable sources due to lack of wind and sunshine, combined with increased demand due to low temperatures. This is a temporary phenomenon, which is observed throughout Europe”.

The government is monitoring the matter carefully, since if the same trend continues, it is possible that subsidies will be needed again for the green tariffs, which, however, are slowly dying compared to the blue fixed ones. With these and with these, the average November price reached 130 euros, when in October it closed at 90 euros. If there is no correction in the next period, the fluctuating bills of November threaten households and businesses with new fires in December…

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#Electroshock #wholesale #price #rally

How can I implement error handling for dynamically loaded‌ scripts in my‌ web application?

It looks like you are working on​ a JavaScript code snippet that manages multiple​ ad services and integrations⁣ for a web‌ page. Your script seems to be structured to dynamically ⁢load​ various ‌advertising scripts based on certain conditions, while also​ initializing services like OneSignal⁣ and Disqus.

Here ⁤are ‍a few recommendations and clarifications to improve the functionality‍ of your ⁤script:

1. **Load Scripts Asynchronously**: You have commented placeholders for async script⁤ loading. Make sure you define the `asyncLoadScript` ​function to handle script loading efficiently. ‌

2. **Error Handling**: Implement error handling for cases when scripts fail to load. This could ⁣prevent failure in subsequent functionality.

3. **Debugging**: Add some console‌ logs or try-catch blocks to ⁤assist with debugging if⁢ the scripts‍ do not behave as ‌expected.

4. ⁢**Timing and Sequence**: Ensure that ​any dependent scripts are loaded in a proper sequence. For⁢ example, if one script relies on another, you may need to ⁢ensure the first one is fully loaded ‍before proceeding.

5. **Performance Considerations**: Consider loading non-critical scripts after the main content has loaded ⁢to improve page performance.

Here's an updated version of your script snippet with some basic structure for the `asyncLoadScript` function and additional comments:


(function() {

// ‍Function to load scripts asynchronously

function asyncLoadScript(src) {

⁢​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => ⁤{

⁣ const ⁣script = document.createElement("script");

​ ‌ ⁣ script.src = src;

script.async = true;

⁣ script.onload =⁣ () => ‍resolve();

​ script.onerror⁣ = () => reject(new ​Error(`Script load error:‍ ${src}`));

‌ ​ ⁤ ⁣ (document.head || document.body).appendChild(script);

⁣ });


// Remove adsense for mobile conditionally

​ if (/* ⁢some condition */)⁣ {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-mobile').forEach(function(e) ⁣{

⁤ e.querySelector('.adsbygoogle').remove();

​ });

⁣ }

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll('.adsbygoogle');

‌ const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) ⁣{

// Load AdSense scripts here asynchronously

adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {

// ‌Load‍ specific adsense ⁢logic

⁤ });

‍ }

// OneSignal Initialization

window.OneSignalDeferred =‌ window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId:⁤ "487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab",

⁤ });

‌ ‌ });

‌ ⁢// Disqus Configuration

var disqus_config = function() {

this.page.url = window.location.href;

⁢ ‌ this.page.identifier = '1565220'; // Replace ‍with your ​identifier


setTimeout(function() {

(function() {

‍ ⁢ var d = document,

‌ ​ ⁢ s‌ = ⁣d.createElement('script');

⁣ s.src = 'https://your-disqus-subdomain.disqus.com/embed.js'; // Replace with ⁤your Disqus src

​ ‍ s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());

(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

‍ })();

⁢ },‍ 3000);

⁤ // Example asyncLoadScript calls with error handling


⁤ ⁣ .then(() => {

⁢ console.log('Script loaded successfully');

⁢ // Additional logic after‌ loading the script


⁢ ‌ ‍ .catch((err) => console.error(err));

‍ // ⁢Load additional integrations here...



### Notes:

- Replace the placeholders (like source URLs, IDs, ‌and conditions) with the actual data relevant to your integrations.

-⁣ Be cautious while making any changes to ensure that you don't ‍disrupt​ the intended functionality​ or loading order of your scripts.

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