Electronic payment soon to be compulsory in shops: that’s good, one in two customers now refuses “cash only”

Three months before the obligation for merchants to offer an electronic means of payment, a study takes stock.

From July 1, all merchants will have to offer an electronic payment formula to their customers. A small revolution for many professionals who were still operating “in the old fashioned way”. And if this obligation makes people cringe, it is above all in line with the purchasing habits of Belgians, who are less and less likely to have cash on them. A study conducted by CCV, a payment service provider, presents the results of a large-scale study. “Consumers are enthusiastic and the majority of traders also completely agree. However, we still need to make an effort to reach a small group of traders who are not as receptive to the law change: there are still a lot of misconceptions floating around“, says Sam Arckens of CCV.



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