Electroencephalogram (EEG): definition, indications, procedure, results

2024-10-16 13:31:00

This examination, which is used to assess the brain functioningthat is to say brain activity at rest and its reactivity to stimulation, is painless and can be carried out at any age.

What is an electroencephalogram (EEG)?

“The EEG, or Electroencephalogram, is an examination allowing‘record the electrical activity of the brain in real time through electrodes placed on the scalp,” explains the French Federation of Neurology (source 1).

Carried out in a neurologist’s office or in a hospital, this examination consists of recording the electrical activity of the brain on a trace. It allows to study and differentiate its main rhythms (delta, theta, alpha and beta). Most often, the examination is carried out while awake. More rarely, it occurs after sleep deprivation or over a period of twenty-four hours.

“EEG can be carried out regardless of the age of the patient, both in children and adults. It is completely painless. It still requires that the patient be able to remain relatively still for the duration of the examination,” adds the Federation.

When to do an electroencephalogram (EEG)?

The electroencephalogram can detect a epileptic disease (often underestimated condition) and monitor its treatment, but also to look for possible signs of encephalitis.

The EEG also makes it possible to study sleep in certain conditions (disease syndrome).sleep apnea…). However, it is supplanted by CT and MRI to diagnose a brain tumor.

Epilepsy, disturbances of consciousness, confusion, coma…

It is prescribed in particular in certain situations, continues the French Neurology Foundation:

Suspected epileptic seizure or as part of epilepsy monitoring;Unconsciousness/coma ;Unexplained confusion ;Others maladies capable of affecting the brain.

To note : unlike MRI or brain scanner, EEG is not an imaging test and does not allow the structure of the brain to be studied or a possible lesion to be identified.

How is an electroencephalogram (EEG) performed?

A conductive paste is applied to precise and symmetrical locations on the scalp where electrodes are placed, connected to a recording device. The recording begins with your eyes closed, then you are asked toopen your eyes several times, to study the correct reactivity of your brain.

If your physical condition allows it, you will then be breathe fast and hard (hyperpnea test) during a short period (less than three minutes), the duration depending on your tolerance for this effort.

Finally, we submit you to a light test : it consists of looking at the intermittent light flashes of a stroboscope (intermittent light stimulation or SLI). Through these different stimulations, the objective is to reveal abnormalities, particularly epileptic ones.

To note : in addition to the electrodes placed on the scalp, thecardiac activity (electrocardiogram) is also recorded using self-adhesive electrodes placed on the chest.

What else should you know about the electroencephalogram (EEG)?

What should you do before the exam?

No preparation is necessary before an electroencephalogram. We only ask you to come on the day of this examination with clean hair, without having applied any hair products.

However, report to the doctor any infection or sore of the scalp, and a possible taking medication. Don’t forget to bring your old tracings if you have already taken this exam.

Is it painful?

No, this review totally painless only collects the electrical activity of the brain, like the electrocardiogram that of the heart.

How long does an EEG last?

“The recording itself lasts approximately 20 minutes for a standard exam. In certain circumstances, more prolonged examinations may be requested by the doctor (for example, with recording of a nap),” indicates the French Federation of Neurology.

Please note: in the case of a prolonged video-EEG recording, the EEG recording can be coupled with a video recording whose duration is usually between 24 hours and 5 days, but can sometimes last longer. “It is carried out at the hospital in rooms dedicated to this examination”, specifies the Médipôle Lyon-Villeurbanne (source 2).

How do you feel afterwards after an EEG?

Good, because the electroencephalogram is absolutely not an aggressive test. “When the exam is finished, the electrodes are removed. A simple shampoo will remove traces of conductive paste that may have remained on the scalp,” indicates the French Federation of Neurology.

How long for EEG results?

Information may be communicated after the examination by the doctor. The final report is generally available within hours or days of the exambecause the interpretation of the route is complex and difficult.

Are there any risks and contraindications to EEG?

There is no contraindication to performing an EEG. On the other hand, stimulations (hyperpnea and SLI), carried out under medical supervision, can cause the beginning of an epileptic seizure. As a general rule, they are not performed if the rest pattern is disturbed, and are interrupted in other cases, if the reactions caused are too significant.

#Electroencephalogram #EEG #definition #indications #procedure #results



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