Electricity shortage: Ecowatt, a tool to visualize risk areas in order to avoid cuts

Faced with the required energy sobriety, the application allows you to see this “electricity weather forecast” at a glance.

It is a tool that everyone is likely to use. L’application Ecowattpresented as the electricity weather forecast, consists of visualizing in real time the level of electricity consumption region by region.

This new service is supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Energy Transition.

A map with colors following the alerts

To avoid power cuts when national consumption is too high, the platform is available in several colors (on the same principle as weather vigilance alerts).

When the card is colored vertethe consumption is normal and reasonable. When she goes into jauneconsumption is said to be “high”.

In orange it means that the electrical system is strained and that eco-gestures are welcome.

When the card switches to rougethe electrical system is wrought up. The cuts thereby are inevitable if no drop in consumption is effective.

There are even forecasts for the following days which are calculated according to the electricity needs according to the real weather and the associated days.

Cut vigilance alert

It is possible to register on the site to receive cut-off vigilance alerts. This inscription allows you to be warned in the event of a risk of cutting.

Eco-gestures will thus be proposed to be effective and especially when to apply them. If the gestures are applied at the right time by the greatest number, this can make it possible to reduce consumption at the national level and therefore prevent cuts.

Examples of eco-gestures

The site offers some advice to adopt, even if for some they are obvious.

– At home: turn off the heating or the air conditioning when ventilating the rooms, shift the use of household appliances, limit the lights, avoid charging the laptop according to the hours….

– In the office: disable autoplay, reduce video resolution…

A useful system for the months to come

With l’halt to the export of Russian gas and several nuclear reactors, the coming months will be tense. It will therefore be necessary to pay more attention to its consumption to avoid cuts but also to avoid excessively high bills…

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