Electricity shortage. Criticism, the usam writes to Guy Parmelin.

Usam sent a letter this week to the Minister of Economy Guy Parmelin in which she criticizes the work done to avoid a shortage of electricity. The umbrella organization for SMEs wishes to be included in the discussions.

Usam sent a letter this week to the Minister of Economy Guy Parmelin in which she criticizes the work done to avoid a shortage of electricity. (archives)


The director of the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts (usam), Hans-Ulrich Bigler, confirmed Saturday to Keystone-ATS the sending of the missive, returning to information from several newspapers. The letter was also signed by usam president Fabio Regazzi.

Faced with the possible shortage of electricity this winter, the government has mentioned potential bans. For the direction of the usam, the prohibitions are to be avoided. The resulting financial consequences would be far greater than those linked to the coronavirus pandemic.

The branches are able to introduce electricity saving measures themselves, continues the usam in its letter. The hotel industry would, for example, be able to reduce its electricity consumption by 10%, by giving up minibars or limiting the opening hours of wellness facilities.

The usam is already represented on the advisory committee of the campaign for energy savings, reacted Erik Reumann, spokesman for the Federal Department of Economics and Training (DEFR), contacted by Keystone-ATS. He confirmed receipt of the missive. The usam will receive a response in a few weeks, he said.

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