Electricity prices could soar in 2026: we explain why

A small drop with big increases? That’s what’s being announced The Parisian. The newspaper explains that “new sobriety objectives will be imposed on the players” of energy. How? Via ” energy saving certificates ».

And an increase of 4%, or an average of 200 euros more on the annual bill of a household, is expected, by 2026, this amount could be multiplied by 5. We explain why.

What are energy saving certificates?

These energy saving certificates, CEE, are in fact financial aid.

There is a part of them for households to carry out energy renovation work in their homes. Enough to boost the fight against thermal sieves and housing that is not very eco-friendly. The site Service public gives you all the steps to follow to benefit from it, whether you are an owner or tenant, whether it is your main or secondary residence.

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More There is also a counterpart among energy suppliers. It is these CEEs which pose a problem.

What’s the problem?

One of the problems with these CEEs linking public authorities to energy sellers – electricity, fuel oil, gas, etc. – is that they are not measured.

Their principle is that the Energy suppliers must take action to promote energy efficiency. This allows them to obtain CEE which grants them financial advantages. But whether it is the actions or their effects on energy consumption, their measurement is unclear.

They were even singled out by the Court of Auditors for a ” lack of stability and transparency », note The Voice of the North.

Where does this spectacular increase come from?

Here is the context, but how could this lead to a spectacular increase in the price of electricity? This is a study by the French Electricity Union (UFE) with the cabinet Columbus Consulting which states that electricity bills will undergo an incredible increase.

In 2026, new energy sobriety targets will be imposed on the energy sector. This corresponds to “ the objective of carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as a 55% reduction in our CO2 emissions by 2030 »set with our European partners, recalls Nicolas Goldberg, energy expert at Columbus consulting.

If for the moment, energy saving certificates lead to an average increase of 200 euros (or 4%) on the annual bill of a household, according to Le Parisien, “ The impact could then be multiplied by five, and reach an additional 900 to 1,000 euros per household. “, concludes Nicolas Goldberg, who coordinated the study, based on data provided by the Directorate-General for Energy and Climate (DGEC).



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