Electricity: At 16.39 minutes the PPC tariff – 53% discount in August 2024-08-05 16:16:58

Accordingly, PPC also announced a brave 45% discount on green tariffs for professionals, with the price per kilowatt hour amounting to 18.33 cents. As far as its yellow tariffs in August are concerned, they are priced at 15.5 cents for the residential yellow myHome4All and 17.4 for the professional yellow myBusiness4All.

Accordingly, PPC’s blue tariffs which have a guaranteed fixed price for 12 months are configured for the residential blue myHomeEnter at 14.5 minutes. The stable myHomeOnline will have a price of 14.2 and the blue professional myBusinessEnter 14.5 minutes.

Since the beginning of the year, PPC has been supporting Greek households and businesses, having so far paid out total rebates of over 450 million euros.

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