Electrical servitude (Le Seuil “Anthropocène”, 2021)

2024-01-09 23:00:00
Page 3 to 6: Start pages | Page 7 to 20: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – Introduction | Page 23 to 37: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 1. The electrical phenomenon, origins and hidden meanings | Page 39 to 49: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 2. The beginnings of electrical life: darkness be cursed | Page 51 to 61: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 3. An industrial phantasmagoria | Page 63 to 76: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 4. Untraceable energy | Page 77 to 84: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 5. The relationship with thermal energy and the original deficiency of electricity, a paradoxical guarantee of its success | Page 85 to 97: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 6. The technical macro-system. the electron and the electric force in forced conduct in the network, energy and politics | Page 99 to 109: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 7. The caged ion, the immutable battery | Page 111 to 128: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 8. Natural but ambiguous transmutation: the water-energy of the dam | Page 129 to 144: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 9. The coal king crowned again by electricity | Page 145 to 154: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 10. The energy model of emerging countries: electricity drains coal | Page 155 to 167: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 11. Making peace with the earth: the renewable attempt, an ambiguous hope | Page 169 to 184: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 12. Wind and solar: dealing with energy | Page 185 to 206: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 13. The case of electric mobility, an old story, dream or mirage | Page 209 to 214: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – Presentation | Page 215 to 228: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 14. Digital transition: to continue as before | Page 229 to 241: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 15. The digital enclosure or the curse of encapsulation | Page 243 to 262: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 16. The embarrassments of an above-ground intelligence | Page 263 to 275: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 17. At the speed of light, the fairy devours the earth | Page 277 to 293: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 18. Body containment or the dynamics of the contactless world | Page 295 to 315: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 19. Digital disconnections and social chaos | Page 317 to 332: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – 20. In praise of disorder. to put an end to confinement | Page 333 to 339: Gérard Dubey and Alain Gras – Epilogue. Low voltage | Page 341 to 370: Notes | Page 371 to 382: End pages.
#Electrical #servitude #Seuil #Anthropocène

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