Electric Vehicle Sales Drop in Ireland

Electric Vehicle ⁤Sales Decline in⁢ 2024

Despite efforts ​to promote electric vehicles (EVs),⁤ sales in Ireland took a hit in 2024, dropping by 24% according ⁤to figures released⁢ by the Society of the‍ Irish Motor Industry (SIMI). This downward trend raises questions about consumer adoption and the future of electric mobility in the country.

The decline in EV sales comes at ‌a time when many affordable options are available,with numerous models priced below €30,000. This begs the question: will Irish motorists make the switch to electric in larger numbers despite the decrease in sales? [[1](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikgFBVV95cUxPOHZFMkNtbzJRbzhWVnhUMVRxbmY2WDZVVTduSHc5Y252V0N2LWdubWtvVkhOUk1vWmZqeHF4bFVUYmtRQXhCc0VxSVp3emExamR0UzJHdXNsU2hxX0hnMm5Dd0I1M1BVRFV2VFEwWmg0S1pIZFNENWlqOW5uRmE4aHluWm1YMWdQMTd2ZzFRNmRWdw?oc=5)]

Regional Variations in EV ⁢Sales

The decline in EV sales is not uniform across ⁤the country. While national figures show a important drop, certain regions are experiencing different trends. For instance,County Sligo saw a sharp 46% decline in EV registrations in 2024.[[2](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi5gFBVV95cUxQTHItSklOcUlCMkZBS0xlOHNCb1VQNS0tM1VrTGlnTFhwQVVTQnEyY2NWSERHekxxWnFSYWpBVXUzci1RWEN3VHpBdFh2YUZOdnpDZzkyX1lKNkFqUUQ5bmlYc3VVbklXZjJPdGJWbE12Zlg5WXFsQkVuUHhieWFFd0ZMWlJFczZoXzIyOFo2c2I2d0VLbW1yUlpxZHQ1eEhJeHdvdFJVSVZHdXQ1eWJpUHNOc3ZQb1YzTE9zbEpTQldyUElIMFZHUlJBQ3RDLXRsZDlhTU1DQUZ0N3EtNXc1bXRSTk1mUQ?oc=5)]conversely, ‍County Donegal witnessed an increase in new car ‌registrations overall in‌ 2024, ​even though specific data on EV sales for the region⁢ was not available. [[3](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxNZklERGQ0WkhqWmliWUFrWWYycmNMVDEydGdONHgtd0ZxT2ljRkljQXZmU3BXeUxJbTd2aUFIMUdrdldSdmFHWlJBcUtXTkpvb3JsYXVsRDJUSFNXNjRJTzFMOFFRT3I0VW50eFhsYUVQVGJVTTg5NGdJb3RZQVpnM1gxeDBsS0NheFE?oc=5)]

These regional variations ‍highlight ‍the complex factors influencing EV adoption in Ireland. While⁤ national trends paint a picture of declining​ sales, local nuances and market dynamics play a crucial role.

Please provide me with⁤ the‍ query so ‍I can write a comprehensive reply using the web search results.

## Title: Will EVs stall?


The automotive industry is bracing for a potential shakeup.

Recent predictions from Seba,a prominent voice in the electric vehicle (EV) sector,have sent ripples through the market,suggesting a dramatic decrease in new car sales by 2030. In an interview with The Driven podcast [[1](https://thedriven.io/2023/05/10/seba-says-ev-longevity-and-autonomy-will-cause-global-new-car-sales-to-plunge-75/)], Seba argues that the combined effect of longer-lasting evs and autonomous driving technology will significantly reduce the need for consumers to purchase new vehicles as frequently.

To delve deeper into these claims, Archyde speaks with [**Alex Reed Name**], a leading expert in [**Alex Reed Area of Expertise**].


**Archyde:** Welcome to Archyde, Alex Reed. Seba’s predictions are certainly bold.Do you believe the automotive industry is on the brink of such a drastic shift?

**Alex Reed:**

[**Alex Reed Response (Include insights on the validity of Seba’s prediction, considering factors like EV longevity, autonomous driving adoption, consumer behavior, and potential counter-arguments.)**]

**Archyde:** What implications would a 75% drop in new car sales have for the automotive industry, including manufacturers, dealerships, and suppliers?

**Alex Reed:**

[**guest Response (Discuss the potential economic and social consequences of such a decline, including job losses, changes in business models, and the need for adaptation.)**]


How do you see traditional car manufacturers responding to these emerging trends? Will they be able to adapt in time?

**Alex Reed:**

[**Alex Reed Response (Analyze the strategies manufacturers might adopt, like focusing on software and services, developing new business models, and diversifying their product offerings.)**]

**Archyde:** Some argue that the predicted decline in car sales could be offset by an increase in demand for public transport and shared mobility solutions. Do you agree?

**Alex Reed:**

**[Alex Reed Response (Discuss the potential for option transportation solutions to fill the gap left by falling car sales,considering factors like infrastructure advancement,consumer preferences,and government policies.)**]


what advice would you offer to individuals navigating this changing automotive landscape?

**Alex Reed:** [**Alex Reed Response (Offer practical advice to consumers, considering factors like the lifespan of their current vehicles, the potential benefits of EVs and autonomous driving, and alternative transportation options.)**]


The future of the automotive industry is undoubtedly undergoing a conversion. Whether seba’s predictions come to fruition remains to be seen, but the increasing longevity of EVs and the rise of autonomous driving are undoubtedly factors that will reshape the industry. As the landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be crucial for both consumers and industry players.

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