Electoral Court officially declares Claudia Sheinbaum as Mexico’s president-elect

Claudia Sheinbaum is officially the next president of Mexico for the period 2024-2030. Although the candidate of the alliance of Morena, the PT and the Green Party obtained an overwhelming majority of votes in the election on June 2, the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) had yet to resolve the challenges presented by the opposition and qualify the validity of the elections.

The Supreme Court concluded on Wednesday that the leftist candidate obtained 35.9 million votes, representing 59.7% of the total votes cast, making her the most voted president in Mexican history, even above Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the outgoing president.

The TEPJF judges concluded that the elections were free and authentic, and that the results were certain and legal.

In this way, Sheinbaum will receive the certificate of majority from the magistrates on Thursday, and will take office on October 1, thus becoming the constitutional president of Mexico. She will be the first woman to occupy the highest office in the country in two centuries of independent republic.

The Electoral Court’s ruling puts a definitive end to the litigation initiated by the opposition. The alliance of PAN, PRI and PRD, as well as its standard-bearer, Xóchitl Gálvez, denounced a series of irregularities in the election and asked for the results to be annulled (which would imply calling for new extraordinary elections). Two of the most frequently used arguments were that there was a general context of violence in the country and that López Obrador improperly used his popular morning conference to intervene in the election and load the dice in favor of Sheinbaum, the official candidate.

Sheinbaum will go to the headquarters of the Superior Court this Thursday to receive the certificate of majority that accredits her as elected president.

#Electoral #Court #officially #declares #Claudia #Sheinbaum #Mexicos #presidentelect
2024-08-23 18:48:14



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