Elections 2023: expectations for the result in Río Negro

2023-04-16 22:11:39

Although in Río Negro the elections began with some delays, following the authorization of its 1,785 polling stations, where 589,251 people were authorized to elect governor and lieutenant governor, everything went smoothly.

In the elections that closed at 6:00 p.m. this Sunday and from which the first counts are expected, 46 seats of the Legislature and the new mayors in 22 municipal mayoralties are also elected.

Río Negro is one of the 17 jurisdictions that chose to split their national elections, which will hold primaries on August 13 and general elections on October 22 of this year.

The candidates for governor of the elections that took place this Sunday in Río Negro highlighted the “homage to democracy” that the elections imply and warned that “it is time to pacify, listen and dialogue.”

The candidate of Juntos Somos Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, voted in Cipolletti and pointed out that he had a lot of support and affection throughout the province, stating that the project he heads “has a lot of support and today we are putting it to the consideration of the people of Río Negro”. .

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“In the 40 years of democracy this is a very important year because the way to pay tribute to democracy is by voting. That our people have the possibility to choose, to change, punish, vindicate”, he expressed.

Meanwhile, the candidate for Podemos Proyectar Río Negro (PPR), Gabriel Di Tullio, voted in Bariloche and warned that “the people are very tired, very anguished, very angry and they will reflect it today at the polls.”

He considered that his candidacy was a personal challenge and the objective of “showing our project, which will have an impact in the province because it was well accepted”, was achieved.

For her part, the candidate for governor for Vamos con Todos, Silvia Horne, voted in General Roca and said that “it will be a normal election” and “there may be a small decrease in some locations but I hope it will be little or similar to the previous election”.

“Officials on duty have generated disbelief in politics. There are people who have decided to skip this election,” she added.

The candidate assured that the national government is closely following the election, is in permanent communication and that she received messages from ministers.

The candidate will continue election day in General Roca awaiting the results, and stated that “it is time to pacify, listen and dialogue.”

The candidate for governor of Cambia Río Negro, Aníbal Tortoriello, voted in Cipolletti and said that his space will make a “great choice.”

“I am convinced, we have seen through the campaign the enormous receptivity that our proposal, our people, our lists have had, we are going to have a very good result,” he said.

Gustavo Casas, candidate for governor for Unity for Victory, began the election day with the celebration of his mother’s 95th birthday and called to support democracy with vote and participation.

“My mother was doing some calculations for the ages of her grandmother and her mother… And she told me that she will be 108 years old and I will be 120. So I will be able to introduce myself several more times,” expressed the leader in local media.

Likewise, he opined that “there is a philosophy of fragmenting the electorate that is not accidental, it is important that there are strong parties, but fragmenting all the others is a danger for democracy at this stage.”

On the other hand, the candidate for governor for Somos Unidad Popular y Social, Rafael Zamaro, voted in Ingeniero Huergo’s ESRN 140 and said that today it is essential to attend the polls so that the vote “is not a blank check, whoever wins I win”.

“If during the next four years we see that we cannot participate, propose, demand, we will have realized that the tickets to this party of democracy were false,” he added.

The candidate for the New Movement to Socialism, Aurelio Vázquez, voted in General Roca and said that he is concerned regarding the lack of interest of the people he noticed for the election, for which he made a “call for participation, to exercise this democratic right that It was so hard for us to achieve,” he added.

In Campo Grande, Ariel Rivero, the candidate for governor for the space that represents Javier Milei, Primero Río Negro, voted and said that it is always pleasant to be able to vote and that the day is “enjoyed” with “joy and great enthusiasm.”

“Hopefully, starting tomorrow, all of us from Río Negro will meet once more in the search for common objectives that allow us to make the necessary contributions for the proper ordering of the province,” he added.

The candidate of the Left Unity Front, Gabriel Musa, voted in General Enrique Godoy and stressed that “expectations are met, it was a campaign to support the struggles that are taking place in the province, such as teachers, health or Pollolín workers ”.

“We believe that the Left Front has embodied a program for exiting this crisis, once morest the parties that have been adjusting, repressing and criminalizing all struggles,” he added.

#Elections #expectations #result #Río #Negro



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