Election trend: FPÖ unchallenged, race for second place is getting tighter

In the current APA election trend, which takes into account surveys from the past five weeks and weights them according to timeliness, the FPÖ is practically unchanged and stable in first place with 27.1 percent. Behind them, however, the race for second place between the ÖVP and the SPÖ is getting closer – the race for fourth place between the NEOS and the Greens has recently developed more in favor of the pink party. For the second time in a row, the gap between the ÖVP and the SPÖ has narrowed slightly in favor of the red party. The Chancellor’s party also gained slightly and is at 23.0 percent on average over the past five weeks. However, the Social Democrats recorded a stronger increase and are now at 22.0 percent.

The opposite is true in the battle for fourth place: Here, both NEOS and the Greens have lost some of their support over the past five weeks, but the Pink Party has lost a little less. They are now at 9.9 percent, just slightly below the ten percent mark. The Greens are at 8.9 percent.

KPÖ clearly below four percent hurdle

From the current perspective, the Beer Party would make it into the National Council, with 5.2 percent remaining virtually unchanged. The KPÖ, on the other hand, is still well below the four percent hurdle, although it now has 3.1 percent, which is at least three percent before the decimal point. Both parties have had a greater media presence in recent weeks due to reports on the collection of declarations of support for running in the election. According to their own statements, they reached their respective target of 2,600 signatures for a nationwide run last week.

The other small parties, which still have to collect sufficient declarations of support to run in the National Council by August 2, are not yet included in the APA election trend due to a lack of survey data.


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