Im WHAT-Election trendwhich takes into account surveys from the past five weeks and weights them according to timeliness, the Chancellor’s party has slightly increased its lead over the Social Democrats compared to the previous week. The FPÖ remains unchallenged in first place with 27.1 percent.
Sea Election trendwhich included two new surveys last week, the ÖVP is currently at 23.7 percent. The SPÖ is slightly behind in comparison, at 21.1 percent. However, the difference between the two former major parties remains smaller than that between the ÖVP and the FPÖ, even if the Freedom Party’s lead has recently narrowed somewhat.
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Another exciting race for 4th place
NEOS and the Greens are still in a tight neck-and-neck race for fourth place, with the Pink Party still in the lead. NEOS are currently at 9.7 percent, while the Greens, who have declared a comeback, are at 8.4 percent.
Among the small parties, the Beer Party is still the only one polling above the four percent hurdle that must be overcome to enter the National Council. Compared to the previous week, Dominik Wlazny’s party lost slightly and is now at 4.9 percent.
Little is happening with the KPÖ, which, with 2.4 percent, would clearly miss out on a place in parliament from the current perspective. The other two small parties running nationwide – Wandel (Liste Keine) and Liste Petrovic – are in the one percent range in the polls and are therefore in the APAElection trend not reported.