Election of INE magistrates and advisers is an “occurrence” of AMLO, affirms opposition

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Election of INE magistrates and councilors is an “occurrence” of AMLO, affirms the opposition The PRI and Citizen Movement (MC) parliamentary groups in the Senate described the president’s announcement as one more “stitch” and “occurrence” Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that he will send an initiative of electoral reform which includes the renewal of the General Council of the INE and the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court, whose members would be elected in a vote open to all citizens.

In an interview, the MC coordinator, Clemente Castañeda, warned that the president’s proposal is unfeasible, since the electoral magistrates belong to “countermajoritarian” institutions by definition, specialized, that do not need to go through a process of popular legitimation to be able to make their decision. job.

“Imagine that the ministers of the Court were popularly elected. No, it’s a specialized job, that’s why the trajectories are reviewed, that’s why it’s regarding getting the best to those spaces. It is not a matter of sympathy, of popularity, it is a specialized job, both of the INE and the Electoral Tribunal”, he pointed out.

The leader of the MC senators asked President López Obrador “to get serious”, that far from thinking regarding how he breaks down State institutions, he starts thinking regarding how he strengthens them.

read also AMLO’s electoral reform will not pass in the Senate, warns the PAN

He pointed out that the president must understand that there is a division of powers, that there are government orders and that they must be strengthened and respected so that Mexico is better.

“The president would like public powers to not exist, autonomous constitutional bodies to not exist, because they bother him. Fortunately, we have a constitutional design, we have in the case of Congress, particularly in the Senate, a political conformation that prevents these occurrences from advancing, because they do not have a constitutional majority, thanks to the containment bloc”, he pointed out.

“If the president wants so much to legislate and present initiatives, let him run to be a legislator in the next election. I think it would do him a lot of good, his health and his political momentum,” he considered.

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For his part, PRI senator Mario Zamora assured that no Mexican would want to take a step back in the construction of democracy and the INE.

“Maybe it’s one more stitch, one of those many you have in the morning when you spend so many hours improvising and when your team prepares you little to say serious things. We are going to wait for them to present the initiative”, she expressed.

He said that the opposition in the Senate is going to do its part, a serious opposition, a firm opposition, that in any situation, pressure or whatever happens, it will defend Mexicans.

“Never will this PRI of the 21st century, they will never see that this PRI does something to the detriment of what all Mexicans have tried to build to have a better country,” he said.

read also Morena supports AMLO’s initiative so that INE magistrates and councilors are elected by citizen vote




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