Election Authorities Urge Political Parties and Presidential Candidates to Step Forward

This Tuesday the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) linked to the administration of Nicolás Maduro, through the Electoral Hall, He noted that all political parties, as well as the people who were presidential candidates For the elections of July 28, they were duly and formally summoned, as reiterated by the president of the entity, Caryslia Rodriguez.

One of the first to appear according to the schedule announced by the TSJ will be opposition member Edmundo González Urrutia, who the court urged to comply with the court order and appear before the Electoral Chamber.

González’s appointment is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7 at 11 a.m.

The highest authority of the TSJ of Nicolás Maduro, recalled that last Monday, August 5, andThis jurisdictional body requested that political parties and presidential candidates submit to the organization each and every one of the electoral instruments. that have legal relevance, which are related to the elections of July 28.

Likewise, Caryslia Rodríguez confirmed the summons of the representatives of the political parties and the candidates, whose appearances will take place from August 7 to 9.

He also reported that the attendance schedule of the delegates of the political organizations and those who were nominated to aspire to the Presidency of the Republic will be as follows:

.- For the Wednesday, August 7th Representatives of the following are summoned at 9:00 am: A New Time, Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) and Movement for Venezuelawhile González Urrutia must attend at 11:00 am.

This Wednesday at 1:00 pm, the meeting will also be for the delegates of Primero Venezuela, Movimiento Primero Justicia, Unidad Visión Venezuela and Venezuela Unidad. At 3:00 pm, Jose Britoanother of the standard-bearers, must attend the TSJ meeting.

The presentation of AD should be at 4:00 pm, together with that of Copei, Red Flag, Republican Movement, Popular Democratic Right and National Electoral Union, and at 6:00 pm, the candidate Luis Eduardo Martinez.

.- On Thursday, August 8, at 8:00 am, the delegates of Voluntad Popular and the Political Alliance Assembly Renewal and Hope (Apare) must appear, and at 9:00 am, Daniel Ceballos.

The summons continues that Thursday at 10:00 am, for the representative of Esperanza por el Cambio, whose candidate, Javier Bertuccihas a call at 10:30 am

At 11:30 in the morning, the summons corresponds to the delegate of Solutions for Venezuela, while at 12:00 noon he is scheduled to attend Claudio Fermin.

At 2:00 p.m., representatives of Alianza del Lápiz, MIN-Unidad, Cambiemos, Avanzada Progresista, Movimiento Ecológico de Venezuela and Fuerza Vecinal must go to the TSJ. At 5:00 p.m., Antonio Ecarri will attend the summons.

.- On Friday, August 9, at 8:00 am, the aforementioned from the People-Centered Movement must attend, and at 8:30 am, Enrique Marquez.

At 9:00 am, the representative of the National Democratic Confederation party was summoned, while at 9:30 am, Benjamin Rausseo.

At 11:00 am, the representation of the PSUV and other organizations of the Great Patriotic Pole will go, and at 12:00 noon, Nicolas Maduro.

Rodríguez also confirmed that failure to appear before the Electoral Chamber will entail the consequences provided for in the current legal system.

#TSJ #reiterated #summons #political #parties #presidential #candidates
2024-09-10 23:40:25

Here are⁣ some PAA (People Also Ask)⁣ related questions for the title: **The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ⁢in Venezuela: Understanding its Role in the Electoral Process**:

The ⁣Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in Venezuela: Understanding its Role in the Electoral Process

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) is the highest⁤ judicial authority⁤ in ⁤Venezuela, responsible for ⁢ensuring the administration of ⁤justice and upholding the rule of law in the country. Recently, the TSJ has been in the spotlight due to its involvement in the electoral process, particularly ⁤in the wake of the July 28 elections.‍ In ⁤this article, we will delve into the role⁤ of the TSJ in the⁣ electoral process, its functions, and its⁢ recent actions.

Background of the TSJ

The TSJ is a⁣ non-profit, private,⁣ and independent civil association founded in⁣ 2010, dedicated to monitoring⁢ the administration of justice ⁤and ⁤the rule of law in Venezuela [[1]]. The TSJ is also active‌ on social media, with an official⁢ Instagram⁣ account where it shares updates and information about its⁤ activities ⁤and programs [[2]]. Despite its independence, the TSJ has been criticized for its close ties to the administration of Nicolás Maduro, which has raised concerns⁣ about its impartiality and credibility.

The TSJ’s‍ Role in⁣ the⁤ Electoral Process

In the recent July 28 ⁤elections, ⁢the TSJ played a crucial role in ensuring​ the smooth conduct of the​ electoral process. Through its Electoral‍ Hall, the TSJ summoned all political parties and presidential candidates to submit their electoral instruments and attend meetings to discuss the electoral process [[3]]. The TSJ’s president, Caryslia Rodriguez, reiterated that all⁢ parties ‍and candidates ⁢were formally and duly summoned to comply with the court’s orders.

Recent Actions of the‍ TSJ

According to recent reports, the TSJ has been busy scheduling‍ meetings with political parties and presidential ⁢candidates to discuss the electoral process. On Wednesday, August 7, the TSJ summoned representatives from various political parties, including A ⁢New Time, Democratic‌ Unity Roundtable (MUD), and Movement for Venezuela, as‍ well as presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.⁤ The‌ schedule of meetings ⁣continued through Thursday and Friday, ‌with representatives from various political parties and candidates attending meetings at the TSJ.

Controversies Surrounding⁣ the TSJ

Despite ⁢its efforts to ensure the smooth conduct of the electoral process, the TSJ has faced criticism for its ​close ties to the Maduro administration, which has raised concerns about its impartiality and credibility. ‌The TSJ’s decision to convalidate⁤ the results ​of the July 28 elections, which gave⁢ victory to Nicolás Maduro, ‍has been⁣ questioned by the opposition, ⁤who alleges electoral fraud.


The ‍Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in⁣ Venezuela plays a crucial​ role in the electoral process, ensuring that the rule of law is upheld and‌ the administration of justice is fair and impartial. While the TSJ has taken ⁣steps to facilitate the electoral process,‍ its close ties‌ to the Maduro administration have ​raised concerns about its credibility and impartiality. As the electoral process continues to unfold, it is essential to monitor the TSJ’s actions and ensure that it remains committed to upholding the rule of ‌law and‌ protecting the ‍rights of⁢ all⁣ Venezuelans.





Here is a PAA-related question for the title **Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela: Investigating the July 28 Elections**:

Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela: Investigating the July 28 Elections

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela, led by President Caryslia Rodríguez, has taken a significant step in investigating the recent elections held on July 28. The court has summoned all political parties and presidential candidates to appear before the Electoral Chamber to discuss the electoral instruments related to the elections [[3]].

Summons to Political Parties and Candidates

According to the schedule announced by the TSJ, representatives of various political parties and presidential candidates will appear before the Electoral Chamber from August 7 to 9. The first to appear will be opposition member Edmundo González Urrutia, who has been urged to comply with the court order and attend the meeting on Wednesday, August 7 at 11 a.m. [[1]].

The TSJ has also requested that political parties and presidential candidates submit all electoral instruments with legal relevance related to the July 28 elections. This move is seen as a crucial step in ensuring the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process.

Schedule of Appearances

The schedule of appearances has been announced as follows:

Wednesday, August 7:

+ 9:00 a.m.: Representatives of A New Time, Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), and Movement for Venezuela

+ 11:00 a.m.: Edmundo González Urrutia

+ 1:00 p.m.: Representatives of Primero Venezuela, Movimiento Primero Justicia, Unidad Visión Venezuela, and Venezuela Unidad

+ 3:00 p.m.: Jose Brito

+ 4:00 p.m.: AD, Copei, Red Flag, Republican Movement, Popular Democratic Right, and National Electoral Union

+ 6:00 p.m.: Luis Eduardo Martinez

Thursday, August 8:

+ 8:00 a.m.: Representatives of Voluntad Popular and Political Alliance Assembly Renewal and Hope (Apare)

+ 9:00 a.m.: Daniel Ceballos

+ 10:00 a.m.: Representative of Esperanza por el Cambio and Javier Bertucci

+ 11:30 a.m.: Delegate of Solutions for Venezuela

+ 12:00 p.m.: Claudio Fermin

+ 2:00 p.m.: Representatives of Alianza del Lápiz, MIN-Unidad, Cambiemos, Avanzada Progresista, Movimiento Ecológico de Venezuela, and Fuerza Vecinal

+ 5:00 p.m.: Antonio Ecarri

* Friday, August 9:

+ 8:00 a.m.: Representative of the People-Centered Movement

+ 8:30 a.m.: Enrique Marquez

+ 9:00 a.m.: Representative of the National Democratic Confederation party

+ 9:30 a.m.: Benjamin Rausseo

Social Media Presence

The TSJ of Venezuela has an official presence on social media platforms, including Twitter [[1]]and Instagram [[2]]. These platforms are used to share information and updates about the court’s activities and decisions.

the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela has taken a significant step in investigating the recent elections, and its actions demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the legitimacy and transparency of the electoral process. The TSJ’s efforts are crucial in maintaining the trust and confidence of the Venezuelan people in the country’s democratic institutions.







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