“Elected officials and health authorities, call for mass screening to end AIDS by 2030”

Ahen screenings fell sharply during Covid-19 and have still not returned to their pre-2020 level, we absolutely must mobilize again if we want to end AIDS by 2030.

The Sidaction [dont la prochaine édition se déroule les 24, 25 et 26 mars]through its collection of donations intended for research against a vaccine, the improvement of treatments as well as aid to associations fighting against AIDS in France and abroad, is an essential annual event.

But it is also an opportunity to talk about AIDS. Because, let us remember, HIV is a virus that is fought as much by medicine as by prevention and therefore by speech and communication, hence the crucial importance that our elected officials, essential relays of speech in our democracies , talk about AIDS.

Fast and efficient ways

The message that we elected officials must repeat is clear: if 95% of HIV-positive people know their HIV status and we offer them treatment, we will stop the transmission of AIDS. Clearly, we have the means, in France, to put an end to AIDS and that even before 2030, the deadline set by UNAIDS. If the objective seems simple, the means implemented to achieve it are not there. Prevention and communication on the part of health authorities are not there.

However, the State has shown, during the crisis due to Covid-19, its ability to act. The French have proven, for their part, by being tested against the Covid on many occasions, sometimes up to several times a week, that they can show good citizenship and collective spirit.

We now have rapid and effective means of massively testing the population against the HIV virus. Why wouldn’t we use them? Why do we let people in France transmit the virus to each other every day? Why are our health authorities not showing the necessary political will?

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Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “The fight against HIV must inspire us to defeat all other infectious diseases, including Covid-19”

Without forcing the population to get tested for AIDS, the State has the possibility of carrying out massive prevention campaigns in order to encourage as many people as possible to know their serological status. How many prevention campaigns on television, messages on social networks from health authorities and government ministers and even the president have rightly been broadcast during the Covid-19 crisis for almost two years ? Less than half that content in terms of quantity would be enough to persuade people living on our soil to get tested for AIDS.

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