Elden: Haukland with accusations against Høiby – was interrogated for six hours

Elden: Haukland with accusations against Høiby – was interrogated for six hours

– She has explained her experiences of physical and psychological violence from Marius Borg Høiby from the time they were together, says lawyer John Christian Elden in a press release on Wednesday afternoon. In some of the cases Haukland explained about, there were witnesses present, according to the report.

Høiby’s defender, lawyer Øyvind Bratlien, has been made aware of the accusations, but has no comments to NTB about them.

– As a defender for Marius, it is not possible or correct for me to comment on any new claim or information in the media. The earliest we will comment anything more is when the police take new formal steps in the case, writes Bratlien in an SMS.

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Haukland met with the police in Oslo together with lawyer Heidi Reisvang from Elden Advokatfirma on Wednesday. The questioning lasted six hours.

At the same time, she acknowledges that she should have given her statement to the police before she shared “parts of her story” on social media.

– Haukland has explained himself about incidents that have taken place both in the public space and in their shared home, says Elden, who has been appointed as legal counsel for Haukland.

No review

It has not yet been clarified whether there is a need for further questioning of Haukland.

– Haukland has not reported any relationship to the police, but she agrees that it is natural for the police to carry out an investigation of Marius Borg Høiby, says Elden.

He emphasizes that it is important for Haukland that the police are given peace of mind to carry out their investigation, and that it is the police who decide what should happen next in the case.

#Elden #Haukland #accusations #Høiby #interrogated #hours
2024-08-23 06:38:07



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