ELAS officers against Pappas: “The small minority of fanatics insults us” – ND demands his expulsion from SYRIZA

ELAS officers against Pappas: “The small minority of fanatics insults us” – ND demands his expulsion from SYRIZA

Nikos Pappas had a fight with the police. The SYRIZA MEP launched a vulgar attack on the police officers through social networks, defaming them in an unacceptable way, as the following sceenshot proves.

The dialogue on fb follows

Policeman: Are the police bothering you again with so many arrests?

Pappas: Yes, is it a matter, my friend?

Police officer: I didn’t insult you or speak ironically, but it’s easy to judge the police officer and her staff whose salary is not even enough for the basics

Papas: Sleep my boy…

Policeman: Your speech is full of arguments.. Good night from a cop Mr. MEP and I hope you speak accordingly to the escort you each have from the party…

Pappas: Yes, my trash

The Union of Officers of Attica has already issued a statement publicly denouncing the SYRIZA MEP.

“Any derogatory description of police officers does not touch us. On the contrary, perhaps it proves that we are doing our job well, since the small minority of obsessives continues to abuse us”, the Police officers emphasize in their statement.

The announcement of the Hellenic Police Officers Union. Attica

Dear colleagues, through their posts on social media, some people continue to have inexplicably repressed and racist stereotypes about police officers. Their abysmal hatred of police officers manifests itself at every opportunity. In this way they think they are being liked, by whom?

Any derogatory description of police officers does not touch us. On the contrary, perhaps, it proves that we are doing our job well, since the small minority of obsessives continues to abuse us. The absurdity is that the abuser, MEP Mr. Nikos PAPPAS, had to represent the people, due to his position and capacity, and not express himself with abusive, racist and derogatory characterizations of the fighting policemen.

Dear colleagues, we continue our work and fulfill our duty.. The reward comes from our fellow citizens themselves, who are by their side every day to provide them with our help. We do not categorize our fellow man into groups by any criteria. We defend and protect our homeland, our borders, our history. We obey the Constitution and State Laws. These authorities are represented by the Greek Police and we serve them as Greek Police.

Good strength in our work to provide our fellow citizens with the precious commodity of security.

ND also demanded his dismissal from SYRIZA

ND demanded the expulsion of SYRIZA MEP Nikos Pappa.

Specifically, the announcement of the New Democracy Press Office states:

“After the announcement of the Union of Greek Police Officers of Attica about the horrific attacks on police officers on social media by SYRIZA MEP Nikos Pappas, it is more than obvious that the Officer Opposition party is exclusively dominated by polarization. We are unable even to reproduce both the images and the sounds that were released on the internet.

The gross and creepy behavior of Mr. Pappas is a brutal insult to our thousands of police officers, who with self-sacrifice, consistency, humanity and responsibility perform the duty of protecting our fellow citizens. It is unthinkable that one of our country’s representatives in the European Parliament behaves like the worst thug and unleashes one threat after another.

This time we expect Mr. Kasselakis to do the obvious and dismiss Mr. Pappa. Let’s hope we don’t see another “half deletion”, like in the case of Polakis”.

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