PRO confirms support for Javier Milei’s veto of retirement law

2024-08-31 19:28:52

The law allows Increasing retirees receives presidential signature veto Javier Millay. Furthermore, now the PRO confirms that they will support this decision, said Deputy María Eugenia Vidal.

“last night We met Javier Milei at Casa Rosada. Milley expected a blanket rejection of retirement. “We will support the president’s veto,” the former Buenos Aires governor said in a broadcast statement.

He believes that “at the meeting he explained to us the reasons for the veto. If pensions were increased. The deficit will rise above 1%. “This would be a very bad thing.”

“He promised to create a budget that would have a zero deficit. You can’t spend more than you bring in. We want to help the government and make it perform well,” Vidal added.

After several tense weeks between LLA and Yellow Space, Vidal insists that “PRO is here to help, but to help through learning. We are here to serve you and we are glad you invited us.”

Javier Millay’s veto

President Javier Milley vetoed the retirement reform law approved by Congress last week.

The president signed it on Friday night, although his resolution will be published in the official gazette on Monday.

#PRO #confirms #support #Javier #Mileis #veto #retirement #law



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