El Pastor, the book that reveals the most intimate side of Francisco

“El Pastor”, under this name Sergio Rubín and Francesca Ambrogetti explored the life history of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina. Where did she live? And much closer in time: Where do you intend to take the Catholic Church? The past and the path he traveled say a lot regarding him. Also the 10 years of papacy that he is close to fulfilling.

Upon reaching the maximum place that a Catholic religious can reach, little was known regarding his vision, his dreams, hopes and regarding his human journey. Many answers to these questions were in “El Jesuita”. The book, published in 2010 in Argentina, which quickly became a world bestseller. Two years of conversations of the future Pope with the Italian journalist Francesca Ambrogetti and the Argentine journalist Sergio Rubin are condensed there.

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It should have been the epilogue of a cardinal regarding to retire and it became the prologue of the pope who had come from the end of the world and regarding whom the authors decided to continue writing. Picking up the threads of his history, his family, his preferences, his personality. But essentially speaking of his defense of the environment and world peace, of the challenges of his papacy, including the fight once morest the scourge of abuses and in favor of the transparency of Vatican finances.

They also analyzed the resistance that he had to face to advance towards a Church that was more open and understanding of the realities of the men and women of our time, austere and especially committed to the poor and the excluded. The Pastor is the fruit of ten years of interviews in which Pope Francis does not avoid any aspect of his life and of a pontificate that is changing the Church.

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What is hidden behind these pages where Francisco speaks as what he is: a pastor? The most outstanding phrases they furrow controversial themes but also clarify the thought of this man of God.

About abortion: “It is important to defend life at all times, not only from conception, but until natural death. In addition, it is not enough to oppose abortion and disinterest in a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. On the other hand, we must accompany who aborted because it is certainly a traumatic decision with mental consequences”.

The ten years of Pope Bergoglio

Homosexuality and the Church: “To those who suffered the ‘rejection of the Church’ (due to their homosexual condition), I would let them know that it is not the ‘rejection of the Church’, but of ‘persons of the Church’; the Church is a mother and summons all its children. In the case of parents (with a gay son), ignoring him, let alone pushing him away, is a lack of paternity and maternity.”

sexual abuse: “It is not only a crime, but a serious crime whose damage is irreparable and obviously demands a severe sentence. The process (to combat it) that began within the Church before my election is having results. The report that the Pennsylvania Justice released in 2018 it detected very few cases since 2002”.

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The capitalism: “I do not condemn capitalism as some adjudicate me. I am not once morest the market either, but in favor of what John Paul II defined as the ‘social market economy’. This implies the presence of a regulatory ‘leg’, which is the State , which must mediate between the parties. It is a three-legged table: State, capital and work”.

Pope Francis this Sunday, January 1, in the Basilica of San Pedro.

Financial speculation: “The most pressing economic problem today is that finance prevails. In a way, capitalism is almost a thing of the past. Of course one thing is saving, investment, so important to produce and generate work. But another thing is speculation, which in my opinion is like the measles of savings and investment.

Peronism: “I was never affiliated with the Peronist party, I was not even a member or sympathizer of Peronism. Saying that is a lie. I was not affiliated with the Iron Guard either. But in the hypothesis of having a Peronist conception of politics, what would be wrong? “.

Pope Francisco

Your return to the country: “The purpose of traveling to Argentina is still valid. It is unfair to say that I do not want to go.”

Vatican money: “Money is a strong temptation. The devil enters through the pocket, corruption begins with money and with money consciences are bought. And in the Church this unfortunately happened. To put it simply, in the IOR (the bank Vatican) I had to ‘cut off heads'”.

“Nowhere in the Bible is there a commandment to produce poverty. Yes, the poor in spirit is blessed, the one who is not attached to wealth. But by no means is it wrong to produce wealth for the good of all. I would say more: producing is an act of justice”.

Unions: “The violations of the dignity of the worker and his rights not only come from certain employers, but also from those unions that get sick because their leaders are slowly raising their standard of living and forgetting regarding their representatives.”

Pope Francisco

Social plans: “The economic aid of the State to the unemployed must be temporary so as not to affect the culture of work. In addition, let us take into account that work contributes to the dignity of people and it is one thing to live from charity and another to earn it with one’s own effort “.

Your resignation: “My resignation is already signed. It’s in a drawer in case I suffer from an illness that prevents me from continuing… I’m not afraid of death. I don’t know if out of unconsciousness or because I simply don’t consider it. Of course, I ask the Lord to When my time comes, what happens to me will not hurt me”.


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