“El Mayo”, protected by the PGJDF when AMLO was head of government in CDMX: Anabel Hernández

The writer and journalist Anabel Hernández assures that Ismael Zambada García, “El Mayo”, received protection from the extinct Attorney General’s Office of the Federal District (PGJDF), when the now president Andrés Manuel López Obrador was head of government in Mexico City.

And the first time that the authorities of Mexico City (formerly Federal District) They recognized the presence of organized crime groups dedicated to drug trafficking in the capital at the beginning of 2020.

However, two decades earlier, the Sinaloa Cartel, whose leader is precisely “El Mayo” Zambadawas already receiving protection from those who governed the center of the country, according to statements collected by journalist Anabel Hernández.

Testimonies included in the controversial book The secret history: AMLO and the Sinaloa Cartel by Anabel Hernández relate that when Andrés Manuel López Obrador was head of government of the then Federal District (2000-2005), the city functioned as a cocaine warehouse for the criminal organization.

“The King”, another key witness

The research work that also reveals Sinaloa Cartel ties extend to AMLO’s children already Claudia Sheinbaumpresidential candidate of Morenaresume statements by Jesús Reynaldo Zambada García (“The King”), brother of “El Mayo””.

He (another key witness against Genaro García Luna) who confessed that he was responsible for receiving “tons of cocaine at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM).”

The statements of “El Rey”, brother of “El Mayo”, were taken as true and useful, as it was removed from the “blacklist” of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), of the United States Department of the Treasury, on Wednesday, May 12, 2021.

Even his properties, interests and transactions that were in the United States were unblocked on that same date.

“El Mayo”, protected by the PGJDF when AMLO was head of government in CDMX: Anabel Hernández

To move freely around the capital, he states that both Reynaldo and “El Mayo”, the Sinaloa Cartel, had the protection of Genaro García Lunafrom the Secretariat of Local Public Security (SSP), and of the extinct Attorney General’s Office of the Federal District (PGJDF), at the time when the head of government of Mexico City was AMLO.

And file cited by Anabel Hernándezprepared between 2004 and 2005, indicates that the commander Ignacio Perales Gómez of the PGJDF y Domingo Gonzalezdirector of the Special Operations Command Center of the Federal Investigation Agency (AFI) gave protection to “El Mayo”, when AMLO was head of government in Mexico City.

“Protection of C Juan José Esparragoza Moreno alias “El Azul” and “El Mayo” Zambada, dedicating himself to the transfer of drugs, kidnapping and custody of the aforementioned people, this in the Zona Rosa, Polanco and Las Lomas.”

The report gives details of vehicles used for these purposes, which were stationed in the capital police offices located on Liverpool Streetfrom the Juárez neighborhood, in Mexico City.

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Commander Ignacio Perales Gómez of the PGJDF He was executed in June 2006 a few meters from his house, in the then Gustavo A. Madero delegation.

A group of hitmen intercepted him aboard a car and, before the agent could defend himself, they shot him at least ten times.

The apparent links of Ignacio Perales Gómez They were revealed a couple of years later by Edgar Enrique Bayardor, former inspector of the Federal Preventive Police (PFP).

Before the Specialized Unit for Organized Crime Investigation (Siedo) of the then Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (PGR), Bayardo claimed that the murdered commander was compadre of “The King” Zambada.

Who is Jesús Reynaldo Zambada García, “El Rey”, brother of “El Mayo”?

“El Rey” was deputy leader of the Sinaloa Cartel from 1987 until his arrest in 2008 and went key witness to start the investigation against Genaro García Luna, former head of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) in Mexico, currently imprisoned in Brooklyn, for allegedly receiving at least 8 million dollars from the Sinaloa Cartel.

“The King” Zambada testified in mid-November 2020in the trial that took place in the Federal Court of the Eastern District of New York, against Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, “El Chapo”, whom he pointed out as the true leader of the Sinaloa Cartel and partner of his brother “El Mayo”.

During his testimony for the trial, “El Rey” Zambada stated that he was the main person responsible for the criminal organization in Mexico City, where he stored cocaine from Colombia in a warehouse.

He also stated that “El Chapo” murdered in a cinema in Culiacán, Sinaloa, in 2004, to Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentesbecause the brother of “El Señor de los Cielos” and “El Viceroy” did not shake his hand.

“The King” also accused El Chapo of ordering the murder of Julio Beltrán Leyva, for having disobeyed an order not to send cocaine to Acapulco, Guerrero.

Likewise, “El Rey” Zambada told about the alleged payment of 250 thousand dollars in bribes to a lieutenant colonel of the Mexican Army, who warned that, in 2003, there was an imminent operation to arrest “El Chapo.”

#Mayo #protected #PGJDF #AMLO #government #CDMX #Anabel #Hernández
2024-05-07 07:22:41

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