The ideal breakfast for kids and adults: a nutritious choice to start the day

2024-07-23 17:55:00

Having just a cup of coffee, coffee with milk or chocolate and a piece of toast with butter or a breakfast bill may seem tempting, but it’s not the best option, experts say. Ideal nutritious choice for breakfast.

This is because it has very little protein, no fiber, minerals or vitamins, and a lot of fat (from butter and whole milk). In the case of chocolate and banknotes, there is a lot of sugar.

“It may be a choice between not eating anything and eating. But when you add a protein source, such as eggs, to the mix, you’ll stay fuller longer. When you add fruit, a meal contains more fiber,” advises nutrition professor Gisele Pontaroli Raymundo.

Improve breakfast options

Add fruit with chia seeds or seeds, or yogurt with fruit and oats, or a serving of nuts. “You can also replace white bread with whole-wheat bread, add eggs or cheese, reduce the amount of cream, and switch from whole milk to skim milk,” advises nutritionist Patricia Cruz.

You can also replace white bread with whole wheat bread, add eggs or cheese, reduce the amount of cream, and switch from whole milk to skim milk.

Patricia Cruz, nutritionist.

If your breakfast is nutritionally balanced Your protein intake comes from the consumption of eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese. Fat is found in some of these foods, as well as butter and even fruits like avocados. When it comes to carbs, choose complex carbs, which are carbs that contain no sugar and contain fiber.

For people who are not used to eating breakfast, it is recommended to eat a small breakfast during this period until the body adapts. «Habits are formed little by little. It can include a fruit smoothie, a handful of mixed nuts, a can of protein yogurt. Then increase the quantity and more reliable options,” advises Brazilian nutritionist Deborah Palos.

The addition of protein will create a feeling of satiety throughout the day. This can help control overeating and subsequent overeating.

breakfast for kids

For kids who have a hard time eating breakfast and can only drink chocolate at mostit is recommended to switch to a chocolate version containing 70% cocoa, as it is of higher quality and contains less sugar.

“You can offer a variety of options, such as smoothies with fruit and oatmeal, yogurt with chopped fruit, and granola. They are practical options that kids often like,” says Palos.

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