Money laundering has begun

2024-08-12 03:30:00

We have already gone through the first stage of asset laundering at home and abroad, although the activity was minimal, You don’t have to rest on your laurels. This time, we will focus on some of the points that the Ministry of Finance has clarified that will help encourage you to join the regime.

We have already commented on the benefit of such regulations, whereby taxpayers receive tax relief on externalized funds for having to pay omitted taxes. These include value-added tax, income tax, internal tax, bank loan tax, movable property tax, etc. Regarding taxation of gross income, provincial jurisdictions must comply, with Neuquén recently having rates ranging from 0.75% to 1.5% depending on the stage the taxpayer enters.

First, we must remember If taxpayers want to launder money, they must deposit it before September 30, 2024; That is, after that date, only the remaining assets can be externalized.

Under certain conditions, When cash, bank account balances, cryptocurrencies and any type of financial assets are externalized, money laundering involves zero tax costs, as long as the funds are deposited in special formalized accounts and certain conditions are met.. The Treasury stipulates the instruments in which taxpayers can invest these funds without bearing the 5% cost, but must maintain them until December 31, 2025.

Whitewashing admitted that the real estate project had started construction within the validity period, or that the progress was less than 50% completed at that time.

These tools are:
– Public titles issued by the state (including BOPREAL), province, city and/or municipality of Buenos Aires.
– Shares authorized by CNV to be placed by way of a public offer.
– Transferable obligations of the public offering authorized by CNV.
– Quotas for open-end and closed-end co-investment funds, the latter placed through a public offering authorized by CNV.
– Trust participation certificates or debt securities authorized for public sale by CNV, intended to finance micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and/or for the investment and/or financing of productive, real estate and/or infrastructure projects to promote productive investment.
– Real estate projects started after the entry into force of Chapter 2 of Law No. 27,743, or real estate projects that are less than fifty percent (50%) of the then completed progress. It includes construction, extension, installation, etc. works in own or third-party properties.

In this sense Franchise is really tempting Carrying on this legacy with sincerity and integrating it into the financial sector.

Money laundering is critical to closing any taxpayer audit for missed sales.

Apart from, When a taxpayer externalizes and deposits up to $100,000 in cash before September 30, 2024, in which case they will be free to dispose of it after October 1 There are no money laundering fees to pay. You can use it even if you want to use it to buy some good stuff first.

also, If cash externalization reaches $100,000, the tax cost to the taxpayer is zero and goods under $100,000, since in this case a deductible is also calculated for each stage.

Finally, it must be considered that money laundering is also critical to closing any audit of a taxpayer for a missed sale. It also helps taxpayers undergo bank sales eligibility checks that have not been initiated by the Treasury until December 31, 2023.

It must be remembered that the total assets owned by the taxpayer must be laundered without justifying it. Deadlines are tight, but good planning can help avoid future headaches.

Chinni, Seleme, Bugner and Asoc.
#Money #laundering #begun



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