An active decision and not a stroke of luck

Your Wellbeing: It’s Not a Stroke of Luck

On September 19, the webinarYour Wellbeing: It’s Not a Stroke of Luck” brought together experts in high performance sports and organizational health to explore the idea that well-being is the result of conscious and constant practice, not merely a function of luck.

Webinar Highlights

This insightful session was organized by the DEBO Community as part of the Master of Strategic Management in Organizational Well-being. The key speakers included:

  • Karina Scomazzon: Strategic coach for high sports and organizational performance
  • Mauro Nunez: Elite athlete and sports management consultant
  • Rodrigo Martinez: Specialist in risks, health, and organizational well-being

Wellbeing: An Active Decision

Karina Scomazzon emphasized that “Well-being is the result of daily decisions, action and cultivating healthy habits.” The pandemic heightened awareness of mental and physical health, yet many continue to grapple with stress that diverts focus.

Key techniques discussed included conscious breathing. With the brain generating over 175,000 thoughts each day, the challenge lies in learning to disconnect and focus. Participants engaged in a guided visualization exercise, illustrating the power of mental training to enhance concentration and goal clarity.

Mental Training and High Performance

Mauro Nunez articulated the importance of mental conditioning in high performance scenarios: “In high performance, it is not just about training the body; the mind often determines whether we reach our goals.” He acknowledged that stress and pressure are normal, underscoring the critical nature of focus in high-stakes situations.

To improve mental resilience, he advised concentrating on the journey and the process rather than solely fixating on the outcomes.

Self-Knowledge: The Pillar of Well-Being

Delving deeper, the speakers underscored self-knowledge as essential for sustained well-being. Scomazzon remarked, “Knowing ourselves brings freedom.” Understanding personal decision-making processes and challenge responses empowers individuals to seize control over their lives.

Self-knowledge intertwines with empathy, compassion, and vulnerability as key pillars of growth:

  • Empathy: Being attuned to others’ emotions.
  • Compassion: Being kind to oneself during failures.
  • Vulnerability: Recognizing that it is a strength that fosters connection and innovation.

Rodrigo Martinez reinforced this notion, stating that organizations that nurture a culture of self-knowledge are more successful. He explained, “Empathy and vulnerability contribute to more effective leadership.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Organizational well-being is crucial. Karina Scomazzon indicated that tools from high sports performance should be integrated into workplaces to prevent burnout and ensure sustained motivation. “Continuous learning and self-management are the keys to sustainable performance.

Furthermore, Scomazzon highlighted the importance of establishing safe spaces in workplaces where emotional and stress-related issues can be discussed, especially during high-pressure periods.

Connecting Purpose and Wellbeing

The relationship between purpose and well-being resonates profoundly. As Mauro Nunez expressed, “Without a clear purpose, both personal and professional directions may falter.” The significance of understanding motivational drives cannot be underestimated.

Karina shared the analogy of Japanese bamboo, which appears not to grow for years but develops a robust root system. “Success and well-being mirror this process—solid foundations may not be visible initially but are crucial for long-term achievements.

Balancing Decision-Making Systems

Another critical discussion point was the necessity of balancing automatic versus reflexive decisions in organizations. Mauro Nunez explained, “Effective decision-making requires a mix of speed, often aided by experience, and analytical thinking.” This balance is essential in doing justice to various organizational scenarios.

Identifying when to act quickly versus when to pause and analyze can make a significant difference in outcomes.

Watch the Full Webinar!

Interested in accessing the full webinar? Watch it here.

Benefits of Prioritizing Wellbeing

Benefit Description
Increased Productivity Well-being leads to enhanced focus and efficiency in work tasks.
Reduced Stress Levels Regular practices diminish anxiety and promote emotional stability.
Stronger Team Dynamics Empathy and compassion foster better communication and teamwork.
Improved Leadership Vulnerability and self-knowledge contribute to more effective leadership styles.



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