The community of Bocahue, together with the municipality of Neuquén, offers its own version of a trial of fencing and coastal trails

2024-09-27 08:02:00

“The community has never opposed and will not oppose the construction of Paseo de la Costa,” private community manager Martín Zucatti said in a brief response after the controversy. Lawsuit filed by Neuquén municipality against private sector Continue walking along the coast On the Neuquen River.

they are some 1,000 meters of riverbank remains private access. Located downstream in the charming Rincón Club de Campo or upstream in the Mirador del Este between Cosentino Street and the Neuquén River.

As expressed in a statement negro riverexist These four years of negotiations The consortium and the city have “always shown their will” for the coastal walk to take place.

For example, contractors, workers and technicians have access to the area in order to carry out coastal defenses (viewed from a river perspective upstream). Zuccati added that officials and other professionals designated in a document signed with the commune to “plan and rethink the layout” of Avenue Costa also visited the area.

570 alliance administrators, 27 of which are registered, such as Bocahue

Finally, he stated that the position on the conflict was entered into the judicial file and insisted that Bokaue community’s willingness to open coastis open to the public, but when asked what the unresolved issues were, he preferred to indicate that the situation was already in court.

A third of consortium members are critical of negotiations with communes and government They questioned the judicialization of what was supposed to be an agreement.

Rebels insist The message is hidden from them, While other departments supporting the board’s action said They want Paseo de la Costa, but the city doesn’t agree with the restrictions maintained by private groupsThey were given opportunities to study water resources.

along with Opening along the Neuquen River In the area of ​​their neighbor Rincón Club de Campo, the owners of Bocahue They observed that open walking enables coexistence.

Those who have publicly questioned the failure to seek a joint solution argue that the consortium owners’ land faces the river, pushing towards the edge of the community, and that the coastal walkway will force them to give up space. They added that almost everyone from the Riverside area was part of the council, who could not agree with the city and had a dominant position in government.

El Bocahue has 144 lots, according to the city’s private community records. Some owners own more than one plot, so there are approximately 135 or 139 syndicate members in total.

Provincial Bureau Consumer Protection Steps In to Efforts Launched by a Group of Consortiums, But that was due to other decisions made by administrators and had nothing to do with the conflict that led to their lawsuit with the city.

as explained Pablo TomasiniThe Provincial Consumer Protection Agency is the legal control agency responsible for regulating buildings, private communities or consortiums that develop federal housing programs. There are 570 buildings in Neuquen, but only 27 have been registered with the administrator.

Take Bokawe as an example,An administrator executed the program registration. Tomasini clarified that the 2016 law was only It is regulated in 2023, Started in January Implement a register of administrators and notify the consortiumused for regularization.

The Coastal Trail was planned around the defenses of the Neuquén River, which was cut off by the Bocave Fence. Will neighborhood restrictions reach the island? (Photo by Fabian Ceballos)

«What they must do, is to adjust its limits on measurement“No property is involved, we have always respected the infrastructure laid out on each coastal path,” concluded the Minister of Infrastructure and Coordination, Alejandro Nicola, in a consultation with “RIO NEGRO”.

“The fence is not ours, it was left by those who worked on the defense,” insists some of the board’s defenders. They insist there is no objection to lifting the community’s lockdown private so Paseo de la Costa completedbut conflicts will appear in Lack of consensus on the boundaries of private communities (Go to the current bank that can be seen from the coast or to the small island on the river) trace continuity there Coastal walks About Neuquen

The internal conflict and the trial proposed by the municipality will put the fence as a public view, but the fundamental difference is that Bocave’s restrictions make it pedestrian.

Video photo: Mariano Gedo takes his neighbors to court for blocking the Neuquén seaside promenade

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