Eight candidates, but for four the race in PASOK 2024-07-18 23:04:00

First of all, at the meeting of the Ethics Committee, unexpectedly, next Thursday, the issue of irreconcilability for Harry Doukas will be closed. The information says that a solution will be found and Mr. Doukas will normally continue collecting the signatures required for the official filing of his candidacy. The intervention of Mr. Androulakis, following all, who said publicly that he should not raise any issue for Mr. Doukas, forces the other candidates to do the same, even if they had made up their minds to do otherwise in order to cut the street of the mayor of Athens.

On the other hand, no one is going to agree to an unconstitutional solution that will give everyone the right, on the way to 6the October, to violate the statute and for other matters. However, it is estimated that even if the expansive interpretation of the statute is needed, a solution will be found for Mr. Doukas.

This meeting is also important for continuity, as those who have declared their candidacy in the media will be asked to submit the necessary number of signatures from their supporters. Furthermore, all the steps are expected to be agreed upon by Sunday, October 6, but also to finalize the electoral body or in what way someone who wants to become a member or friend of PASOK will be able to vote.

According to information, the staff of Nikos Androulakis counts supporters in the parliamentary group, central committee, but also prefectural committees. He recommends the “autonomous and victorious course”, while it seems that the president of PASOK has a disadvantage in terms of alliances in the second round compared to his co-candidates, although nothing can be ruled out from now on. Especially when it is estimated that half of the candidates today will not make it to the ballot box on the 6thher October.

Haris Doukas, led by Christos Protopapas, seems to have already secured the support of several MPs and party officials, while his staff “showed” the MRB poll which puts him just 0.9% behind Nikos Androulakis, with 27 ,1%. He has already started tours and meetings all over the country and advocates joining forces to defeat Kyriakos Mitsotakis and New Democracy. He appears as an advocate of the cooperation of the so-called progressive forces without, however, referring to SYRIZA by name. He has on his side Manolis Christodoulakis, who is strong organizationally and moves in a second round strategy, considering that many will want to ally with him, if he is first or second in the first round.

A second round strategy is followed by Pavlos Geroulanos, who in the MRB poll is third with 19%, close to Nikos Androulakis, who gathered 28% and Haris Doukas who gathered 27.1%. Mr. Geroulanos officially has the support of MEP Nikos Papandreou and many are looking to find out if this means that he also has G. Papandreou and the Papandreou party apparatus with him.

The 7 candidates intend to face Anna Diamantopoulou, if she finally decides to be a candidate, as the “closest” to the positions of Mitsotakis, who, if elected, will attempt to bring PASOK to the position of a partner of the ND. in the government.

Correspondingly, Pavlos Geroulanos is already viewed as “close” to SYRIZA and an advocate of SYRIZA-PASOK cooperation, Nikos Androulakis as unfit for prime ministership and Haris Doukas as “apolitical”, with whom as president no one can be sure which direction PASOK will take.

Anna Diamantopoulou’s strong card seems to be that she is considered even by her opponents as “primeable” or anyway more “primeable” than her opponents. For this reason, most people believe that her eventual candidacy will change the current situation, while some believe that she can unite the once modernizing bloc, whose forces are scattered inside and outside PASOK.

Hardly will reach up to the ballot box

“For me, the big danger for PASOK is that it gets used to low flights. The opportunity has come for PASOK to become the second party and with large percentages. This opportunity must not be missed once more. Unfortunately, in the last period we did not succeed, while the N.D. lost one million votes and SYRIZA another 350,000”, Nadia Giannakopoulou has stated. Milena Apostolaki speaks for a united and militant PASOK, with a collective function, which is already being damaged by her televised statement “I feel ready to become prime minister”, as she was commented on as arrogant.

“No one can turn a blind eye to the reality of the election result as it was reflected in the European elections and in which New Democracy and SYRIZA collapsed, but PASOK remained in the percentages of a small and medium-sized party,” said Michalis Katrinis.

There is, of course, the candidacy of the journalist Yiannis Kanellakis, who is trying to appear as the authentic representative of the old, Papandreian PASOK. His statement that if he is elected, “we will all walk around in a turtleneck in the center of Athens”, has already gone viral on social media. It is unknown if the four candidates will finally reach the ballot box.

Turbulence from participation executives in starter circuit

The revelation that involved in the scandal with the extortion ring in Athens were also employees of the YPPO who were also PASOK officials has caused great concern to Harilaou Trikoupis.

In the war that is developing on social media between the candidates, there were posts by one of the two defendants with Nikos Androulakis during the presidential election campaign, while others are uploading posts with insinuations linking the other defendant with a well-known trade unionist of PASOK who is facing charges in court for another case, but also other party officials.

The uproar that has been caused by the dismantling of the extortion ring that operated within the services of the Municipality of Athens and allegedly blackmailed shopkeepers in the city center in order for its members to reap financial benefits, has also erupted within the party.

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