Eight Burke schools undergo renovations and modernization this academic year

2024-09-01 08:06:45

Chétchos Berckoés Kindergarten

« A total of €1.5 million was spent on work this summer””, explains Romain Roger, Chief of Staff of Mayor Berkoés. The first meeting was held at the Ché Tchos Berkoés school, where the principal Guillaume Roussel was waiting for the delegation. Brand new square It cost 450,000 euros. The change in the landscape is surprising and the school seems to have changed too. ” We bought a house which gave us access to unused land near the school. Everything was converted into a parking lot for 49 cars. A bus turnaround area was created. The child will be safe Parking will no longer be a problem near this school. This allows us to use the Mendès-France intermodal room. The car park largely complies with environmental recommendations. » A walkway was built from the parking lot to the school. The latter will be able to benefit from 2025 his own canteen It will be built next to the square and has a budget of 290,000 euros.

Jean-Rostein Elementary School

Director Dominique Montagnino welcomed the delegation invisible works. « However, this is the biggest envelope of summer achievement” said Tony Leroux, the city’s technical director. We can’t see anything because it’s hidden. Energy retrofit work involving air handling units, attic insulation, false ceiling renovations, and replacing neon lights with LED tiles puts us on track to increase the building’s energy bills by 68%. » Installing fencing and repainting toilets completed the work that had been done.

The works committee was able to see this: the Ché tchos Berkoés kindergarten had been transformed.

foyer elementary school

School principal Chantal Baudoux will wait until 2025 for energy work, a complete restoration of the roof and functional improvements to the building. City Services created and installed vegetable gardens for students.

Little Mermaid Kindergarten

The school run by Nathalie Duquesne underwent a major energy renovation. They are comparable to the school in Jean Rothstein, which is very old. Now it is a model for energy use.

Chat Botté, Charles Perrault kindergarten and Jacques-Brel and Jacques-Prévert elementary schools

These institutions, managed by Mylène Pauchet, Florence Detailleur and Ludovic Chaveneau, also have their own work packages: fencing, carpentry, LED lighting, painting. In numerical terms, this means that the city’s technicians completed 671 hours of work, with an investment budget of €70,000 in minor works, €900,000 in energy retrofits of buildings, €145,789 in Green Fund subsidies, and €145,789 in parking and nursery investments. School Square for €450,000. In 2025, 900,000 euros will be invested in the energy renovation of buildings, with subsidies of 72,719 euros.

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