Eight black-faced spoonbills died of botulism

On the 12th, conservationists found 7 black-faced spoonbills dead and 1 soft-footed living body in Yantian, Jiuwu District, Budai Town, Chiayi County. day of death. (Provided by the Agriculture Department of Chiayi County) Central News Agency reporter Cai Zhiming faxed on March 19, 111

(Central News Agency reporter Cai Zhiming, Chiayi County on the 19th) Conservationists found 7 black-faced spoonbills dead and 1 soft-footed living body in Yantian, Jiuwu District, Budai Town, Chiayi County on the 12th. Returning north; the Agriculture Department of the Chiayi County Government said today that all eight black-faced spoonbills died of botulism poisoning.

Shi Huiling, head of the livestock conservation section of the Agriculture Department, told the Central News Agency that the Agriculture Department sent the soft-footed black-faced spoonbill to the Wildlife First Aid Station of the Special Biological Research and Conservation Center of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan for treatment, but it was too weak and the first aid was ineffective, and died on the 14th.

Shi Huiling said that the dead black-faced spoonbill was sent to the Animal Hygiene Laboratory to examine the cause of death, which was all caused by botulism.

保育人士12日在嘉義縣布袋鎮舊五區鹽田發現數隻黑面琵鷺死亡,經檢驗發現死因都是肉毒桿菌中毒。(嘉義縣農業處提供) 中央社記者蔡智明傳真  111年3月19日

Conservationists found several black-faced spoonbills dead in Yantian, Jiuwu District, Budai Town, Chiayi County on the 12th. After examination, it was found that the cause of death was botulism poisoning. (Provided by the Agriculture Department of Chiayi County) Central News Agency reporter Cai Zhiming faxed on March 19, 111

Shi Huiling said that botulinum toxin is a common bacterial species living in ordinary soil. It will proliferate in rotting fish and release toxins. Almost every year, black-faced spoonbills are poisoned by eating rotting fish by mistake. Whenever dead fish are found by the sea, The Agriculture Department will immediately ask someone to remove it to reduce the chance of the black-faced spoonbill being exposed to botulinum toxin; the conservation group is also entrusted to strengthen patrols every year during the migratory bird season, and immediate rescue is required in the event of a situation.

Shi Huiling said that the black-faced spoonbill has now changed its breeding plumage and is ready to return north. If the public sees abnormal activity, injury or death of the black-faced spoonbill on the coast of Chiayi, please contact the county agriculture department. (Editor: Li Mingzong) 1110319



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