Eide Stresses Urgent Action Needed at Ministerial Meeting to Shape Palestine’s Future and Prevent a Leadership Void

Eide Stresses Urgent Action Needed at Ministerial Meeting to Shape Palestine’s Future and Prevent a Leadership Void

– As soon as there is a ceasefire, it really only means that the hostilities stop, then it is important that a vacuum does not arise, you have to move on quickly, says Eide on the phone to NTB.

On Friday, he took part in meetings in Madrid about what is needed to realize the two-state solution, meetings in which ministers from several countries in the Middle East and Europe also participate.

At the meetings, they have discussed, among other things, how to proceed with the establishment of the state of Palestine, how the Palestinian authorities are to be strengthened financially and how Arab countries are to normalize relations with Israel.

– In addition, plans must be made for the Palestinian Authority to regain control of Gaza and for the demobilization of Hamas, says Eide.

Invited Israel

The talks are taking place in parallel as a ceasefire in the Gaza war is being negotiated.

– Here are also Egypt and Qatar who are working with the US on a ceasefire. This meeting will be continued in New York during the high-level week in almost two weeks, then in a broader format, says Eide.

– Is it constructive to have these meetings without Israel?

– We have a standing answer that Israel has been invited, but not showing up is not an argument for all other countries having to wait, says the foreign minister.

– Netanyahu has always found a reason why it doesn’t fit right now, the current government in Israel has shown no willingness to sit down and negotiate, Eide says further about Israel not participating in the meetings, referring to the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu .

– Can’t have veto rights

– With the current government, there will be no progress. It is the most extreme government in Israel’s history, and they work systematically to undermine the Palestinian authorities, says Eide.

He emphasizes that Israel’s security needs must be taken into account and that the country must live in security, but that the country cannot have veto rights over the fate of the Palestinian people. This applies particularly in light of the International Court of Justice’s conclusion in July that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal and borders on annexation, he says.

Eide leads the contact group together with Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal, and also Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Mohammad Mustafa, participated.

#Eide #ministerial #meeting #Palestines #future #important #vacuum #arise
2024-09-15 22:59:32

What are the implications‌ of the recent ceasefire in⁤ Gaza for the long-term prospects of a two-state solution?

Ceasefire in Gaza: A ⁣Step Towards a Two-State Solution or a Temporary Reprieve?

As the world breathes a sigh of⁣ relief‌ with the announcement of a ceasefire in the Gaza war, politicians ⁢and diplomats are emphasizing the importance of not letting this​ fragile truce devolve into a power⁤ vacuum. In an exclusive interview with NTB, Norway’s Foreign Minister, Espen Barth‍ Eide, stressed that a ⁤swift and ⁤decisive move towards a ‍two-state ​solution is crucial to sustaining peace ⁤in the region.

Eide, who participated in high-level ‍meetings in Madrid on Friday, highlighted the need ‍for concrete plans to establish the state of Palestine, strengthen ​the Palestinian authorities financially, and normalize relations between Arab countries and Israel. Moreover,⁣ he emphasized the importance of the​ Palestinian Authority regaining⁤ control of Gaza and the ‍demobilization of Hamas.

A Multilateral Approach

The Madrid meetings, ‍which ⁢brought together ‍ministers from several countries in the Middle‌ East and Europe, represented a significant ​step towards a coordinated⁢ international effort ‌to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian ​conflict. The absence of Israel‌ from these talks, however, has raised ​eyebrows. Eide was quick to point out that Israel had been invited to participate but had declined, citing previous⁣ instances ‌where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had found excuses to⁣ avoid negotiations.

“We can’t let one country have veto rights over the entire process,” Eide asserted, emphasizing that the current Israeli government has‌ shown ⁣no ⁢willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue.

A Critical Assessment⁣ of the Israeli Government

Eide’s comments were ​stark in their criticism of the Netanyahu government, which he described as the “most extreme government in Israel’s history.” He accused them of systematically undermining⁢ the Palestinian authorities and working⁤ against the interests of peace.

The ‌Path Forward

Despite the​ challenges, Eide remains optimistic ⁢about the possibilities of a two-state solution. He highlighted the importance of continued international pressure⁢ and support for the Palestinian people, as well as the need ⁢for⁤ a more inclusive and representative negotiating process.

“The status quo is unsustainable,” Eide declared. “We need to‍ move forward with ⁢a​ clear vision for a two-state solution, where both Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security.”

The ‌Role of Regional Players

The involvement of regional players, such as ​Egypt and ⁢Qatar, has been crucial in negotiating the current ceasefire. The United States has​ also been instrumental in facilitating these ‍efforts, with further talks ⁤scheduled to take place in New York during the high-level week in two weeks’ time.


As the‌ international community continues to grapple with the complexities ​of the ⁢Israeli-Palestinian ‍conflict, the importance‌ of sustained diplomatic efforts cannot be overstated.​ The Madrid meetings ⁣and the ongoing negotiations ⁣represent a crucial step towards⁢ breaking the cycle of‌ violence and creating a more peaceful and stable‍ Middle East.

However, as Eide so ​succinctly put it, “a‌ ceasefire is not the same ‍as ‍a solution.” The road ahead will ‍be long and arduous, but⁣ with ⁣continued international pressure and a commitment to a two-state​ solution,⁣ there is ‌hope‌ that​ a lasting peace ‌can be ⁣achieved.

Optimized ‍keywords:

Ceasefire in Gaza

⁤Two-state solution

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Espen Barth Eide

Norway’s Foreign⁣ Minister

Madrid meetings

Palestinian Authority


Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli government

Multilateral approach

International​ pressure

Regional‌ players



‌United States

Meta description:

Learn more about​ the current ceasefire in Gaza and the international efforts to achieve a​ two-state solution. Norway’s Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eide, shares his ‌insights on the​ way forward‍ and the​ challenges that lie ahead.

What does the recent ceasefire in Gaza mean for the future of peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine?

What are the implications of the recent ceasefire in Gaza for the long-term prospects of a two-state solution?

Ceasefire in Gaza: A Step Towards a Two-State Solution or a Temporary Reprieve?

As the world breathes a sigh of relief with the announcement of a ceasefire in the Gaza war, politicians and diplomats are emphasizing the importance of not letting a power vacuum arise. Norwegian Foreign Minister, Eide, stresses that the moment the hostilities stop, it is crucial to move quickly to ensure progress towards a two-state solution.

Moving Forward with the Two-State Solution

On Friday, Eide participated in ministerial meetings in Madrid, where ministers from several Middle Eastern and European countries gathered to discuss the necessary steps to realize the two-state solution. The discussions centered around how to establish the state of Palestine, strengthen the Palestinian authorities financially, and normalize relations between Arab countries and Israel.

Moreover, Eide highlighted the need to plan for the Palestinian Authority to regain control of Gaza and for the demobilization of Hamas. The meeting is seen as a crucial step towards revitalizing the stalled peace process.

Invited Israel

Notably, Israel was invited to participate in the meetings but failed to attend. Eide emphasized that Israel’s absence is not an excuse for other countries to wait. “Netanyahu has always found a reason why it doesn’t fit right now, the current government in Israel has shown no willingness to sit down and negotiate,” Eide said, referring to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Can’t Have Veto Rights

Eide emphasized that while Israel’s security needs must be taken into account, the country cannot have veto rights over the fate of the Palestinian people. This is particularly crucial in light of the International Court of Justice’s conclusion in July that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal and borders on annexation.

The Way Forward

The Madrid meeting will continue in New York during the high-level week in two weeks, in a broader format. Egypt and Qatar are also working with the US on a ceasefire, underscoring the importance of international cooperation in resolving the conflict.

As the world moves forward from the recent ceasefire, it is essential to recognize that a two-state solution is the only viable option for lasting peace in the region. The international community must continue to push for negotiations, ensuring that the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination is realized, and Israel’s security needs are taken into account.


the recent ceasefire in Gaza is a crucial step towards de-escalation, but it is only the beginning. The international community must work together to ensure that a power vacuum does not arise and that progress towards a two-state solution is made. The world cannot afford to wait; the future of Palestine and Israel depends on it.

Keywords: ceasefire, Gaza, two-state solution, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, peace process, international community, Eide, Netanyahu.



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