Eide in the UN: – We are on the brink of a major regional war

Eide in the UN: – We are on the brink of a major regional war

The Minister for Foreign Affairs devoted large parts of Norway’s submission to the UN General Assembly in New York to the Middle East.

– Almost a year has passed since Hamas’s heinous terrorist attack against Israel on 7 October, said Eide (Ap) in the main debate at the UN on Saturday.

He repeated Norway’s strong condemnation of the attack and the demand that the hostages in Gaza must be released immediately, without conditions. At the same time, he emphasized that Israel, like all other states, both has the right to defend itself against terrorism – and is bound by international law.

– The enormous suffering inflicted on the Palestinian population in Gaza is unparalleled. Much of Gaza has been left in ruins. At least 41,000 people have been killed, and many more have been injured and maimed for life, said Eide.

– Getting worse every hour

He agrees with the UN Secretary-General that “nothing can justify such collective punishment”.

Eide then pointed out that the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are expanding at an “alarming rate”.

– The Middle East is experiencing one of its darkest hours, said Eide and painted a dark picture of the rest of the situation in the region.

– While we are gathered at the UN this week, Lebanon has experienced its deadliest days in many decades. We are on the brink of a major regional war.

– Even the neighboring countries that long ago entered into peace agreements with Israel are under enormous pressure. The situation is getting worse with each passing hour, said Eide, stressing that the region’s conflicts are deeply intertwined.

– Have seen this film before

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the same gathering.

– His main message was that we all have to choose – either we stand with Israel, or we stand with Iran and its proxies. He also stated that there can only be peace if Hezbollah and Hamas are completely defeated, Eide said and continued:

– We have seen this film before. I didn’t like the ending.

Shown until September 11, 2001

Without mentioning George W. Bush by name, Eide pointed out that the US president had a similar message after the terrorist attacks on New York 22 years ago.

– This division into a simplified black-and-white picture where there is no room for nuance and complexity, nor impartiality, and with an excessive reliance on military power alone, is extremely dangerous, said Eide.

– And it didn’t end well. We have to learn from past mistakes, continued the Norwegian foreign minister.

Opportunity in times of crisis

Eide maintained that all crises bring with them an opportunity. He repeated Norway’s position that a two-state solution is the only credible path to lasting peace.

Although there is an urgent need for ceasefires in both Gaza and Lebanon, it is not an alternative to lasting solutions, he pointed out.

On Thursday, almost 100 of the UN’s member states participated in a meeting under the auspices of Norway, the EU and Saudi Arabia, where they launched a global alliance to implement precisely the two-state solution.

– Three decades after the Oslo agreements, more and more states are realizing that waiting forever for the right moment to negotiate is no use, said Eide.

Asked for Palestine support

Norway recognized Palestine as an independent state in May, and is among 146 of the UN’s 193 member states that have so far done the same.

Eide received applause from the audience when he urged the rest of the countries to follow suit – so that the State of Palestine can become a full member of the UN.

– We ask everyone who can, to help build Palestine’s institutions, and regional actors to help incorporate a political solution into a wider regional framework, said Eide.

Criticized Russia

The Minister for Foreign Affairs began his speech at the UN’s 79th General Assembly by pointing out that the fundamental pillars of the UN Charter are under threat.

– For the first time in 79 years, we have a major interstate war in Europe, said Eide and pointed out that Russia is breaking the very foundations of the UN charter with its war of aggression against Ukraine.

– These principles ensure the equality of all states, large and small, always and everywhere and are fundamental to the member states’ security, said Eide.

Warning from Lavrov

Just minutes earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had stood on the same podium. According to Reuters, he warned other countries against getting involved in the Ukraine war.

– I am not going to talk here about the unreasonableness and danger of the very idea of ​​trying to fight for victory over a nuclear power – which is what Russia is, Lavrov said.

Eide, for his part, stressed that Norway supports and will continue to support Ukraine both militarily and civilly as long as it is needed.

– We want Ukraine to win. We want peace in Ukraine. But it must be a just peace, in line with the key principles of the UN Charter, emphasized Eide.

He strongly warned against a peace solution for Ukraine that involves changing borders by force.

– We must all reject such an outcome. It will set a terrible precedent, said the Norwegian foreign minister.

#Eide #brink #major #regional #war
2024-09-28 23:53:30



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