Egypt’s Army Chief of Staff Undertakes Unannounced Trip to Gaza Frontier

The inspection process began with a visit to the forces tasked with securing the Rafah land crossing. The Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces stressed that the main mission of the forces is to preserve the country’s borders in all strategic directions and that the men of the Egyptian Armed Forces are capable of defending the country’s borders generation after generation, stressing the importance of being knowledgeable, determined and maintaining high physical fitness to ensure that all tasks are carried out with high professionalism.

He also checked on the living and administrative conditions of the combatant and the security system for the northeastern border line, and listened to a detailed explanation that included the method of work and coordination between all specializations to achieve complete control over the international border line around the clock.

The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces thanked the security personnel for their efforts in securing the international border line, stressing the confidence of the General Command of the Egyptian Armed Forces in their ability and combat efficiency, while being careful not to succumb to rumors and talk that aim to undermine the Egyptian state, which has endured a lot in its war on terrorism and drying up its sources until it achieves the security and stability enjoyed by the Egyptian people in general and the people of Sinai in particular.

This came after a high-ranking Egyptian source confirmed on Wednesday evening that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is spreading lies to cover up his failure in Gaza.

The source added, according to Cairo News Channel, that the Israeli government has completely lost its credibility internally and externally, and is still continuing to promote its lies to cover up its failure.

The source confirmed that Israel failed to eliminate the weapons smuggling mafia from Kerem Abu Salem to the Gaza Strip, explaining that Netanyahu is paving the way through his claims of weapons smuggling from Egypt to announce his security and political failure in recent years, and the failure to find the hostages and the failure to achieve any military victory in Gaza or the West Bank.

He stressed the dissatisfaction of all parties with the Israeli Prime Minister’s continued failure to reach a truce agreement.

Netanyahu attacked Egypt again yesterday, accusing it of smuggling weapons into Gaza, and stressing his commitment to keeping Israeli forces in the Philadelphi corridor.

Netanyahu said: “We will pay a heavy price if we leave the Philadelphi corridor, and the international community will not allow us to return to the Philadelphi corridor if we leave it.”

He claimed that there were dozens of tunnels under the Philadelphi Corridor, and that the hostages could not be released without preventing Hamas from smuggling weapons, reiterating his claim that all the goals set by his government for the war must be achieved by controlling the Philadelphi Corridor.

Relations between Cairo and Tel Aviv are witnessing increasing tension, due to the Israeli government’s refusal to reach a ceasefire deal, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s adherence to the Philadelphi Corridor, and his continued statements to drag his name into the ongoing war and his failure to reach a ceasefire agreement.

Source: RT

#Egyptian #Army #Chief #Staff #Surprise #Visit #Gaza #Border
2024-09-06 14:04:12
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