Egyptian activist Ramy Shaath released but deprived of his nationality

Figure of the Egyptian revolution of 2011, Ramy Shaath was finally released by the Egyptian authorities following more than two and a half years in prison. To obtain his release, which had been ordered Monday, January 4 by the Egyptian justice, the Egyptian-Palestinian activist was however forced to renounce his Egyptian nationality, his family announced on Saturday January 8.

→ THE FACTS Egypt: release in sight for activist Ramy Shaath

Freed but fallen

In a statement, his relatives explain that the activist was “Released on the evening of January 6, entrusted to the representative of the Palestinian Authority at Cairo international airport.” He was then put on a flight to Amman, Jordan, before taking another flight on Saturday January 7 to Paris. Ramy Shaath will be reunited with his wife, Céline Lebrun, in France, who had been expelled from Egypt at the time of her arrest. He arrived at Roissy at the beginning of the followingnoon.

If his family says to himself “Relieved and delighted” , she denounces the fact that he has “Forced to renounce his Egyptian citizenship”, as a condition precedent to his release. “No one should have to choose between their freedom and their citizenship”, continues the family recalling that “Ramy was born an Egyptian, was brought up as an Egyptian and Egypt has always been and always will be his country.”

This practice of forfeiture of nationality for expelled opponents is far from being a novelty in Egypt, recalls on Twitter, Victor Salama, researcher specializing in the Middle East.

Satisfaction of the Élysée

Aged 48, Ramy Shaath was the coordinator in Egypt of the BDS movement (for boycott, divestment and sanctions) which advocates a boycott of Israel as a means of combating the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

His release was hailed in France where his fate had led to a large mobilization, with in particular an appeal addressed in June 2021 by 180 French elected officials to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. His case was also mentioned by Emmanuel Macron during the last visit to Paris of his Egyptian counterpart, last December. ” I had the opportunity to discuss, as we do with friends in confidence and frankness, the issue of human rights “, assured the head of state.

Reacting to the release of Ramy Shaath, the Elysee welcomed the gesture of the Egyptian authorities. the President of the Republic also assured to never have “ nothing dropped “ to obtain his release from prison, in cooperation with the wife of the released activist.

Environmentalists, many of whom support the BDS movement, have also shown their satisfaction upon his arrival in France. This is particularly the case of Yannick Jadot, the EELV presidential candidate who wished the activist “A good return”. Expressing his “Great joy” at the announcement of the release, the deputy and former “walker” Cédric Villani for his part called to continue the mobilization “For the thousands of prisoners of conscience still detained in Egypt”.




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