Egypt Welcomes New Shipment of Natural Gas

She added that the tender was awarded at a premium of between $1.70 and $1.90 above the benchmark gas price on the Dutch gas futures trading platform TTF.

Among the companies that won the tender – which was launched by the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation last week and closed on September 12 – were TotalEnergies, Shell, BP and commodities trader Glencore.

Egypt is facing a major crisis related to the Egyptian government reducing loads and resorting to cutting off electricity, but the crisis has worsened with the rise in temperatures and the shortage of gas supplied to the stations, which prompted the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company to announce a load reduction schedule in coordination with local authorities so that citizens can know the timing of power outages.

Egypt has once again become a net importer of natural gas this year, buying more than 30 cargoes to cover summer demand, after being an exporter in recent years as part of plans to become a reliable supplier to Europe.

Egypt’s domestic gas production fell in May to its lowest level in six years, down about 25% from its peak in 2021, and is expected to fall by 22.5% by the end of 2028.

Energy consumption in Egypt is also expected to jump by 39% over the next decade.

Source: Agencies

#Egypt #buys #gas #shipment
2024-09-14 10:54:08

What are the main uses of the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but it seems like you provided a text snippet that doesn’t match⁢ the topic of

. The text appears to be discussing a tender awarded to various companies for gas supply in Egypt, whereas

is an HTML element used for grouping elements⁢ in a document.

If you’d like, I can ‍provide a‌ comprehensive and SEO-optimized⁣ article on the topic of

. Here it is:

The Power of

:⁢ Understanding the HTML ⁤Division Element


element is a fundamental building block of web⁢ development, ​allowing developers⁤ to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of

, exploring its uses, benefits, and ⁤best practices for effective HTML coding.

What⁢ is



element is a generic container element‌ in HTML, standing⁤ for “division” or “container.” It is used to group a set of ​elements together for presentation, layout, or semantic ⁣purposes. The

element can contain a variety of content,⁣ including text, images, lists, tables, ⁣and even other


Uses of


element has numerous uses in web development, including:

  1. Layout and styling:
    ⁢ elements can be used to create layout structures, such as headers, footers, navigation menus, and content sections. By applying CSS styles⁢ to‍ a

    element, developers can control the layout, color, and typography of the ⁢content within.
  2. Semantic meaning:⁣
    elements can be used to provide semantic meaning to a web ​page, making it easier for search engines and screen readers to understand the structure and⁢ content of the page.
  3. Grouping elements:
    elements can be used to​ group related elements together, making it easier ⁣to apply styles, scripts, or events to multiple elements at once.
  4. Creating responsive designs:
    elements can ​be used to⁣ create responsive designs by applying media​ queries and flexible grid systems.

Benefits of


element offers several benefits, including:

  1. Flexibility:
    elements can be used to create a wide range of layouts and designs.
  2. Simplifies code: ​By grouping elements together,
    elements can simplify HTML code and make it easier to maintain.
  3. Improves accessibility: By providing semantic meaning to a web page,
    elements can ⁣improve accessibility for users with disabilities.
  4. Enhances SEO: By structuring content in ⁢a​ logical​ and meaningful way,
    elements can enhance search engine optimization (SEO) ​efforts.

Best Practices for Using

To‌ get the most out of the ‍

element, follow these best practices:

  1. Use meaningful⁤ class names: Use descriptive class names ⁤to indicate ⁤the​ purpose of each
  2. Keep⁣ it simple: Avoid nesting too many
    elements, as this can lead to ⁢unnecessary complexity.
  3. Use semantic elements: When​ possible, ⁣use semantic elements (such as

  4. Test and iterate: Test your HTML code and iterate on your design to ensure it is accessible, responsive, and effective.


‍element is a powerful tool in the world of HTML and web development. By understanding ⁣its ⁤uses, benefits, and best practices, developers can create more effective, accessible, and search engine-friendly websites.

– What are the primary uses of the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but it seems like you provided a text snippet that doesn’t match the topic of

. The text appears to be discussing a tender awarded to various companies for gas supply in Egypt, whereas

is an HTML element used for grouping elements in a document.

If you’d like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

. Here it is:

The Power of

: Understanding the HTML Division Element


element is a fundamental building block of web development, allowing developers to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of

, exploring its uses, benefits, and best practices for effective HTML coding.

What is



element is a generic container element in HTML, standing for “division” or “container.” It is used to group a set of elements together for presentation, layout, or semantic purposes. The

element can contain a variety of content, including text, images, lists, tables, and even other


Uses of


element has numerous uses in web development, including:



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