Egypt… revealed 3 new drugs used to treat corona

News Arabia" Two of these medicines were provided and used In Egyptian government hospitals A month ago, the third drug was contracted to import and is not yet available.

The spokesperson said Egyptian health The first medicine is "Molnopiravir"It is produced by the American company Merck, and a permit was obtained to produce it locally in Egypt. It has already been produced and used in government hospitals and pharmacies. It is an oral tablet.

He added that the second drug is "Evoshield" It is produced by the English company AstraZeneca, and it was contracted to import it, and quantities of it have already been provided in government hospitals and pharmacies and used to treat cases infected with Corona regarding a month ago, and it is a solution taken by injection into a muscle.

He explained that the third drug is "Baxlovid" Produced by the American company Pfizer, and it was contracted to import, but it is not yet available in Egypt. It is oral tablets.

And he indicated that these drugs were approved by the Scientific Committee to confront Corona in… Egypt to use them in the treatment of people with corona, following confirming their effectiveness from the reality of the announced experiments that were conducted on them, and that the approval of these drugs was on January 24 last.

Regarding the effectiveness of the medicines that were used to treat patients in Egypt, Abdel Ghaffar said that it is too early to judge that now, noting that the medicines were provided in government hospitals only for free, and the decision to offer them to the private sector is in the hands of the Scientific Committee to confront the Corona epidemic.

It is noteworthy that the Acting Minister of Health, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, indicated, during his presentation of the epidemiological situation at a meeting of the Egyptian government, on Wednesday, to provide real estate. "Baxlovid"And"Evoshield"in all government hospitals, and distribute them to oncology and organ transplantation centers as a first stage.

The second phase will be distributed to dialysis patients, in addition to the local production of the drug "Molnopiravir" Anti-Coronavirus.


In an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, Abdel Ghaffar confirmed that two of these drugs were provided and used In Egyptian government hospitals A month ago, the third drug was contracted to import and is not yet available.

The spokesperson said Egyptian health The first drug is “molnopiravir”, produced by the American company Merck, and a permit was obtained to produce it locally in Egypt, and it has already been produced and used in government hospitals and pharmacies. It is an oral tablet.

He added that the second drug is “EvoShield” produced by the English company AstraZeneca, and it was contracted to import and indeed quantities of it were provided in government hospitals and pharmacies and used to treat cases infected with corona regarding a month ago, and it is a solution taken by injection into the muscle.

He explained that the third drug is “Paxlovid” produced by the American company Pfizer, and it was contracted to import, but it is not yet available in Egypt, and it is oral tablets.

And he indicated that these drugs were approved by the Scientific Committee to confront Corona in… Egypt to use them in the treatment of people with corona, following confirming their effectiveness from the reality of the announced experiments that were conducted on them, and that the approval of these drugs was on January 24 last.

And regarding the effectiveness of the medicines that were used to treat patients in Egypt, Abdel Ghaffar said that it is too early to judge that now, noting that the medicines were provided in government hospitals only for free, and the decision to offer them to the private sector is in the hands of the Scientific Committee to confront the Corona epidemic.

It is noteworthy that the Acting Minister of Health, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, indicated, during his presentation of the epidemiological situation at a meeting of the Egyptian government, on Wednesday, to provide the drugs “Baxilovide” and “Evoshield”, in all government hospitals, and distribute them to oncology centers and organ transplantation as a first stage.

The second phase will be distributed to dialysis patients, in addition to the local production of the anti-Coronavirus drug “molnopiravir”.



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