Egypt-Palestine Summit: Rejecting Displacement and Working Toward Peace

2024-01-08 16:45:12

Egyptian-Palestinian summit in Cairo rejects “displacement”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas affirmed their “rejection of liquidating the issue and displacing the Palestinians from their lands.” The two presidents said during their meeting, Monday, in Cairo: “The establishment of an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital is the primary guarantor of security and stability in the region,” according to an official statement by the spokesman. Egyptian Presidential Advisor Ahmed Fahmy.

The meeting between Sisi and Abbas comes ahead of an expected visit by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Ramallah and Cairo, as part of his tour in the region. What experts Asharq Al-Awsat spoke to considered an attempt to coordinate positions between Egypt and Palestine regarding the future of Gaza following the war.

The meeting dealt with the situation in the Palestinian territories, where “the Palestinian President reviewed the latest developments in the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, and the disastrous human tragedy they caused, in addition to the situation in the West Bank, and the escalation of tension and violence witnessed by the Israeli side,” according to the Egyptian presidential spokesman. .

During the meeting, Sisi presented “his country’s intensive efforts and contacts with various parties to push for a ceasefire and the immediate access of humanitarian aid in sufficient quantities to the Gaza Strip.” “With the aim of ending the suffering of civilians in the Gaza Strip,” according to the official statement.

The presidential spokesman confirmed that “the meeting discussed the pivotal role played by the Palestinian National Authority, and the necessity of taking all measures to provide support to the Authority to carry out this role,” explaining that “the two presidents stressed that the Palestinian issue is at a crossroads; This requires the international community and active forces to assume the highest levels of responsibility. Historical, political and humanitarian, to work towards a just and comprehensive settlement,” “through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

During the meeting, the Palestinian President expressed his “appreciation for Egypt’s role in supporting and supportive of the Palestinian cause, historically and up to the present moment,” noting that “Cairo is making great and persistent efforts, at all levels, to stop the blood of the Palestinian people and support their efforts to obtain their legitimate rights,” according to the spokesman. Egyptian Presidential Council.

Egypt plays the role of mediator to resolve the crisis in Gaza, and last month it hosted delegations from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements, where talks were held regarding the Egyptian proposal to stop the war. It also recently presented a three-stage initiative for a ceasefire and a solution to the Palestinian issue.

The head of the Egyptian State Information Service, Diaa Rashwan, said in statements on Friday: “The Egyptian proposal was sent to the direct parties and international partners following several discussions with the concerned Palestinian parties over long sessions in Cairo,” but Cairo “did not receive a response to it.” ».

In turn, former Palestinian minister and member of the negotiating team with Israel, Hassan Asfour, told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Abbas’s visit to Cairo aims to resolve the confusion regarding the Egyptian ceasefire initiative, as it was promoted because it includes a proposal to form a technocratic government, which was rejected by the Palestinian Authority.” ». He added, “It was necessary to coordinate positions between the Egyptian and Palestinian sides regarding the future of Gaza, and Israel’s attempts to reoccupy the Philadelphia axis and create a buffer zone in Gaza.”

Professor of Political Science at Cairo University, Dr. Tariq Fahmy, agreed with him, stressing that “the visit aims to coordinate and unify positions and trends.” “This means integrating ideas for the future of the Gaza Strip following the war.” Fahmy explained, “The Palestinian Authority had reservations regarding the second and third phases of the Egyptian initiative. Hence, positions had to be coordinated and unified between Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan as well.”

He pointed out that “among the Egyptian proposals is the formation of a technical government, which the Palestinian Authority expressed reservations regarding,” explaining that “the problem is not in the Authority, but in the (Hamas) movement and other Palestinian forces,” pointing out that “discussions now revolve around the form of That government and its framework, and whether it will be formed now or later.

At the end of last December, Arab and regional media reported that Cairo had submitted to the Palestinian forces a proposal to form a technocratic government to administer the West Bank and Gaza following the war, and to call for a dialogue between the Palestinian factions.

Fahmy said: “Cairo’s current role is related to making political arrangements with the Palestinian side and strategic arrangements with the United States and Israel regarding the future of Gaza following the war.” Pointing out that “Egypt has no objection to hosting a dialogue between the factions, provided that the latter arranges itself.”

Egypt hosted a factional meeting in El Alamein last July with the participation of 14 factions. With the aim of ending the Palestinian division. The political science professor explained that “Cairo will work in the coming period to arrange the Palestinian scene, which is what Blinken will be informed of during his upcoming visit,” noting that the US Secretary of State made Egypt the conclusion of his current tour, in which he focuses mainly on Cairo and Ankara.

Asfour said: Abbas’s visit to Cairo coincided with Blinken’s tour in the region, although “there was no direct connection between the two,” explaining that “Blinken’s tour aims to determine the constants of American policy for the next stage, and the future of Gaza following the war.”

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said on Sunday that the US Secretary of State will ask Israel to move to the third phase of the fighting in the Gaza Strip, which will allow the intensity of the war and the ongoing bombing of the Gaza Strip to be reduced.

In a related context, the Egyptian President received, on Monday, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, where “the meeting dealt with the most important issues and challenges presented on the scene, most notably the developments in the situation in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip, and the intensified efforts aimed at a ceasefire, implementing humanitarian aid, and activating… The two-state solution path,” according to an official statement from the Egyptian presidential spokesman.

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