Egypt… Copts, Arabs and Africans

2024-08-19 15:19:56

It is common in Egypt for some people to be interested in a connection to ancient Egyptian identity (or Copticness), and some are so extreme that BBC Arabic published an article written by Val Investigate extensively.

The investigation quoted Zahi Hawass, the former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities and a well-known archaeologist, as saying that he had repeatedly confirmed in more than one interview that Egyptians “are neither Arabs nor Africans.”

The survey also monitored an increase in demand among some new generations, especially on social media platforms, to “eliminate Coptic illiteracy” and called for the ancient Coptic language to be taught in Egyptian schools to “revitalize identity.”

Abdel Halim Nour El-Din, Professor of Ancient Egyptian Language at Cairo University, in his study “Ancient Egyptian Language: Coptic Script (Saidi Dialect)”. As the investigative report states, it tells us:

Coptic emerged from decline in the mid-19th century and many people excelled in the language, including: Arian Effendi Girgis Muftah (died 1888 AD), Igomans Philotheos, Father Takla and the then monk Barsoum Effendi. So they wrote books about her.

Noureddine noted that “the Coptic language now spoken in churches and monasteries is not the original Coptic language, due to the fact that the Orthodox teacher Irian Effendi Girgis Muftah (1858) ) due to changes in the pronunciation of Coptic.

Here’s a very brief summary of the content and atmosphere of these calls…

My comment is that this enthusiasm for an emotional and literary return to the roots of imagination is not limited to Egypt, but we also find this call in other Arab countries, North Africa, the Fertile Crescent, and the Arabian Peninsula.

What share do these appeals have in history, archeology, archeology, anthropology, linguistics and other sciences that shed light on ancient identities, expressions of early societies, religious methods and their political and economic patterns? ?

Before we ask for their scientific basis, is the “enthusiasm” expressed by some social media “activists” for an identity or identities aimed at revitalization realistic and practical?

What do those who want to claim the absolute pharaonicism of Egypt and its full and complete Copticism say about the immigration from the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey and Asia that has never stopped since the dawn of history, such as from North Africa and Africa itself…and the migration from Egypt itself to the outside world?

Yes, there is no doubt that the hallmarks of a true and clear Egyptian identity have developed throughout the ages, we have seen this identity throughout the ages and read about a clearly defined “Egyptian nation”. Do tributaries flow into its great river?

For example, was Ahmed Shawky an Egyptian pharaoh in a biological sense? Is he of Circassian, Turkish and Egyptian descent?

What is said about Egypt also applies to other countries.

#Egypt.. #Copts #Arabs #Africans



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