Egypt assaults Israel for stealing Palestinian support

Egypt – Egyptian Overseas Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s rejection of some parts’ seizure of humanitarian support introduced into the Palestinian Rafah.

Throughout a telephone name with Sigrid Kaag, the UN’s Senior Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction within the Gaza Strip, yesterday, Tuesday, the Minister attacked the Israeli aspect for its failure to guard support and guarantee its supply to those that deserve it.

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman and director of the Public Diplomacy Division on the Egyptian Ministry of Overseas Affairs, acknowledged that the decision got here throughout the framework of keenness to seek the advice of with Egypt earlier than the UN official offered her month-to-month briefing to the Safety Council, the place he addressed the humanitarian scenario within the Gaza Strip in mild of the obstacles that Israel locations on The entry of support and the rising severity of the humanitarian catastrophe within the Strip.

Minister Shoukry was eager to be taught concerning the UN official’s evaluation of the methods and plans to alleviate the extreme humanitarian disaster going through Palestinian civilians within the Strip, together with the outcomes of her contacts with Israeli officers to ease the restrictions imposed by Israel on the motion of vans on the crossings.

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid defined that the Minister of Overseas Affairs and the UN official mentioned the place of the method of bringing humanitarian support into the Strip, and the present scenario of the Rafah crossing in mild of Israel’s destruction of the Palestinian aspect of the crossing.

The official spokesman concluded his statements, noting the settlement of the Overseas Minister and the UN official to proceed coordination and session concerning the humanitarian scenario within the Gaza Strip through the subsequent stage.

Supply: RT

#Egypt #assaults #Israel #stealing #Palestinian #support
2024-06-27 09:53:19

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