Eggplant Tower – Low Carb Recipe – eterntainment

2023-10-17 12:28:08

A Eggplant Tower! If you haven’t had the opportunity yet to try this eterntainment classic, then you have to check out this recipe.

The recipe

But get ready because it’s ridiculously easy, first you slice an eggplant (or as many as you want) into thick slices, season with salt and pepper and grill it in a frying pan greased with a little olive oil:

Then, in a baking dish or ovenproof dish greased with olive oil, place eggplant, tomato slices and cheese. I season the tomato with salt and oregano, but it’s up to you (pepper is always welcome).

The number of layers is up to you, here I only did two because I didn’t want it to fall apart. But be careful because in the middle layer I used white cheese, in the last layer I used mozzarella and parmesan. Once that’s done, just stick in a toothpick (to keep the tower standing) and put it in the oven to brown.

The Trick

I have a trick up my sleeve for this recipe which is to drizzle the dish with pesto sauce (which I buy ready-made), but it can be tomato sauce or no sauce at all. The basil leaf was also just to decorate and give it a little scent.

Make it and tell me if it’s a beautiful, healthy, delicious starter (or main dish) that’s quick to prepare? Guys, it’s really good!!!! And it works with zucchini too!

It takes less than 2 minutes and I’m sure you’ll be able to reproduce this deliciousness perfectly! I also tried to make the recipe simpler, so that no one has an excuse not to make it.

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There’s an Eggplant Tower on video

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