Egger: Kikr poses security risk to local economy

Egger: Kikr poses security risk to local economy

2024-08-19 20:20:18

Vienna(OTS) –

“It finally became clear what Herbert Kickel had been up to over the past four weeks: True to the motto “Copy better than you do poorly,” he copied Prime Minister Karl Necker’s speech using copy-and-paste. There are economic points in Hamer’s Austria plan, says Kurt Egger, secretary general of the Economic Association and Abg.z.NR. “In principle, support for our economic plan is welcome. However, if you simultaneously block important economic policy measures and oppose the influx of qualified skilled workers, then you create reversal and security risks for the domestic economy.

Before the election, the Liberals had consistently rejected key tax and economic policy measures that would strengthen the domestic economy. “Whether it is reducing income and corporate taxes, introducing investment bonuses or increasing limits on low-value assets, the FPÖ has consistently voted against it. It is clear that this economic philosophy has not even caught on among our own ranks. It is these measures that help businesses in the Invest in difficult times, safeguard employment, and enhance domestic competitiveness.

Lack of understanding of business location and labor market is dangerous

What is particularly worrying is that Herbert Kickel also compared the “Austrian Fortress” with economic topics. “From nursing to tourism – there is a shortage of qualified experts everywhere. Russian-style isolation will suffocate our economy. Kickl’s fortress fantasy clearly shows that the FPÖ has not yet understood the gravity of the situation, thus jeopardizing the future viability of our company .

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