Efraimoglou to ET: Support for businesses and development

Efraimoglou to ET: Support for businesses and development
It is a body that is constantly in touch with developments, understands the trends and needs of each era, pushing in the direction of the necessary changes. Operating consistently in this tradition, EBEA continues to support Greek businesses, in a global environment that is being rapidly transformed by technology, geopolitical realignments, and the climate crisis. As the Greek economy gradually recovers from the deep recession and successive crises of the previous years, opportunities coexist with challenges. Development based on extroversion, innovation and investment in new skills is the only way for entrepreneurship.

EBEA strategically focuses on these axes, with essential services and actions, with innovative partnerships and initiatives. A point of reference in this effort is the strengthening of extroversion, as in recent years, in cooperation with the competent State bodies, we have organized dozens of information and networking actions, we have supported the participation of our members in business missions and international exhibitions, we have signed cooperation memoranda with foreign Chambers and innovation bodies. Through these actions, EBEA member companies had the opportunity to cultivate networks and take advantage of opportunities in more than 30 countries. We systematically invest in innovative entrepreneurship, through the EBEA Young Business Incubator, which in the last 10 years has hosted over 500 business groups, providing housing, logistical equipment, specialized consulting services and guidance from a network of more than 70 mentors and advisors. Also, in collaboration with the Region of Attica and the Regional Development Fund, we have participated in more than 50 international innovation events, with the aim of supporting the internationalization and development of start-ups.

The recent inclusion of EBEA in the European Business and Innovation Center Network, the most important Support Network for Innovative Entrepreneurship in Europe, seals the multi-year effort of EBEA to promote innovation, while providing access to new, advanced tools and knowledge. We emphasize the upgrading of human resources skills, cooperating with DYPA, to implement upskilling-reskilling programs in all sectors of the economy, providing special programs to upgrade the skills of women, with an emphasis on digital skills, as well as specialized services and actions to support businesses, in the effort to find and develop their human resources, now and in the future.

At the same time, we continue to capture the pulse of the business on critical issues, with the reference point of conducting a quarterly primary survey, which is the tool for planning targeted actions by the EBEA and formulating proposals to the State.

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// Phaistos Adman

// OneSignal
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appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

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// Phaistos Adman

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#Efraimoglou #Support #businesses #development

Note that ‘script-src-elem’ was not explicitly set, so ‘script-src’ is used as a ⁤fallback

It⁢ looks like you’re working on a script that integrates various advertising and tracking services into a web page. The code is structured​ to load different ad scripts conditionally based on the‌ presence of ‍certain​ elements, with placeholders for actual⁣ script URLs​ that appear ⁤to be incomplete.

Here’s an overview of ‍the sections in your code and some suggestions for improvement:

1. **Removing Unwanted Ads (Mobile)**:


else {

⁢ document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

‌ ​ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();

​ ⁢ ⁣ });

⁣ }


​ – This part correctly removes any mobile-specific AdSense ads if certain conditions are met.

2. **Loading AdSense**:


const ⁢adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

⁣ if (adSenseSlots.length > ⁣0) {

// ‌Async load script for AdSense

⁢ ​ adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e){

⁣ //⁣ You might want to load the AdSense script or perform other actions here.




3.⁣ **Phaistos Adman**:

– It looks like you’re starting ‍to ​set up the queue for Phaistos Adman, but the actual script​ loading ⁢logic seems incomplete.

4. **OneSignal**:


‍ window.OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,




– This section ‌initializes OneSignal. Ensure the ‌OneSignal script ‌is included in your HTML.

5. **Disqus Comments**:

⁣ “`javascript

⁢var disqus_config = function() {

this.page.url = “YOUR_PAGE_URL”;⁢ // Set this to your actual page URL

‌ ⁣ this.page.identifier = 1557050; // ​Unique identifier for the page



– Ensure that you replace ‍`YOUR_PAGE_URL` with the actual URL of your page.

6. ‌**Asynchronous‌ Script Loading**:

​ It looks like you’re trying to implement a function for‌ loading scripts asynchronously. ⁣Make sure you define `asyncLoadScript` and utilize it where necessary, including proper URLs.

7. **Commented Out Sections**:

⁤ – You have several parts of your code commented out (e.g., CleverCore, Taboola). Make sure ‍to add⁣ those script URLs if they⁤ are needed.

8. **Error Handling**:

– Consider adding error ⁣handling in case any of the script loads fail. This can help in debugging issues related to external scripts.

9. **Finalizing Script Tags**:

– Make ⁢sure every script URL mentioned is valid⁣ and correctly formatted. All placeholders should be replaced with actual⁢ script URLs ⁣for your advertising and analytics needs.

Here’s a simplified example to follow for⁣ loading scripts:


function asyncLoadScript(url) {

⁤ var script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = url;

⁣ script.async = ‌true;



// Example usage



Make sure⁢ to test each section thoroughly to⁢ ensure ads are served correctly and everything integrates without causing issues on the page.

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