Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence and automation are expected to affect 300 million jobs worldwide over the next decade, with the European Commission estimating that 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills.
In Greece, despite steady progress, the lag in digital skills is still significant, compared to other European countries. In the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), the country lags behind the European average in terms of the percentage of the population with at least basic digital skills, while the gap is even greater in terms of the percentage of ICT specialists in the labor market. At the same time, there is a relatively low mobilization of businesses to train their staff, especially among small and medium-sized businesses.
According to a recent EBEA survey among its members, 68% of businesses stated that they have incorporated new digital tools into their operations. However, nearly 1 in 3 businesses struggle to fill jobs that require specialized knowledge. Also, 31% of businesses do not have training programs in place, while those that do, focus mainly on digital skills and soft skills.
In this context, EBEA has been systematically investing in recent years in actions that empower businesses, but also workers in the acquisition of appropriate skills.
We have signed a memorandum of cooperation with DYPA and implement skills upgrading and retraining programs for workers in all sectors of the economy, with an emphasis on digital and green skills, as well as training programs for the unemployed. Also, in collaboration with Microsoft Greece, we implement the “Empowering Women 45+” program, which provides unemployed university-educated women with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a successful job search and career.
At the same time, we provide specialized services and support actions to businesses, for the effective search and development of their human resources. We have created a special platform, in which EBEA members declare their needs in human resources and the specialties they need, while we participate in the Career Days organized by DYPA, acting as a link between businesses and prospective employees.
At the same time, we are planning days and workshops to inform companies on skills issues, but also to provide guidance on available options, tools and practices, so that they can invest in the right way in the development of their human resources.
Investing in skills is not an option, but a necessary condition for competitiveness and growth for the economy, as well as social cohesion and prosperity. The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to work methodically, to collaborate creatively, so that knowledge and skills become a vehicle of progress for all.
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// Fix OCM JS errors
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// InMobi Choice. Consent Manager Tag v3.0 (for TCF 2.2)
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// Phaistos Adman
// OneSignal
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appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
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// For Google AdSense
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// Phaistos Adman
// Glomex
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// Dalecta
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// Vidoomy
// Weather
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// Facebook Pixel
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#Efraimoglou #Investing #skills #tomorrow
It looks like you have a section of JavaScript code that deals with loading various scripts and managing ad integrations on a web page. There are multiple asynchronous script loading mechanisms shown in this snippet, but many parts are incomplete, and placeholders like `asyncLoadScript(‘` are left hanging without actual URLs or parameters.
Here’s a structured outline of what your code does, along with some suggestions for completing and organizing it:
### Overview
– **Ad Management**: The code includes sections for integrating various ad services such as AdSense, Phaistos Adman, and others.
– **Push Notification Service**: It initializes OneSignal for push notifications.
– **Comment System**: It prepares the Disqus comment system configuration.
- **Deferred Script Loading**: It utilizes a mechanism to load scripts asynchronously.
– **Conditional Script Loading**: The script checks for specific elements to conditionally load advertisements.
### Suggestions to Complete the Code
1. **Complete the `asyncLoadScript` Calls**: Each `asyncLoadScript(‘` should be completed with the correct script URL or function:
2. **Fill in the Disqus Configuration**:
Make sure to provide the complete URL for `this.page.url`:
this.page.url = window.location.href; // or a specific URL
3. **Replace the Phaistos Adman ID**: Ensure that the `id` in `Adman.adunit` is appropriately set and the height value is provided.
4. **Utilizing Template Literals**: If URLs or parameters are dynamic, consider using template literals to insert variables:
const adScriptUrl = `https://example.com/ad?id=${adId}`;
5. **Manage Async Loads Efficiently**: If handling numerous async loads, create a utility function to standardize the loading process, especially if loading multiple scripts or libraries from the same provider.
6. **Console Logging for Debugging**: Add console logs to debug whether scripts are loading and executed successfully.
console.log(‘Loading script…’);
Here’s a mini-template to illustrate a possible improved structure for the async script loading:
function asyncLoadScript(src) {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = src;
script.async = true;
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(slot => {
// Load the adsense configuration or script
// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
// Disqus
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = window.location.href; // Dynamic page URL
this.page.identifier = 1561663; // A unique identifier for the page
// Load Disqus script after 3 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement(‘script’);
s.src = ‘https://your-disqus-subdomain.disqus.com/embed.js’;
s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
}, 3000);
### Final Note
Ensure you replace placeholder scripts and configurations with actual values relevant to your project. Efficiently structuring and managing your script loading will enhance performance and potentially improve the user experience on your site.