Efforts Underway to Resolve 4,000 Stalled e-EFKA Cases at Athens Administrative Court

The Minister of Labor and Social Security, ‘Adonis, held a working meeting with the president of the Three-member Board of Directors of the Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens, Marina-Angeliki Soupou, and the Vice-President of the Legal Council of the State, Charalambos Briscolas, in the presence of the commander of the EFKA, Alexandros Varveris Georgiadis, the Minister of Justice, Giorgos Floridis and the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Vassilis Spanakis.

As stated in a related announcement, the aim of the meeting was to draw up a plan to immediately resolve more than 4,000 pending cases concerning the e-EFKA in the Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens, in order to relieve 80% of the backlog and speed up the administration of justice. After the meeting, Mr Minister of Labor and Social Security, Adonis Georgiadis, said:

“Although the project is titanic for e-EFKA, it will take responsibility and find a solution. We are working intensively, methodically and with a plan to speed up the resolution of the thousands of pending cases and the delivery of justice.”

For his part, according to newsbeast, the Minister of Justice, Giorgos Floridis, thanked the Minister of Labor for his immediate response to this issue, the resolution of which will greatly contribute to the orderly and speedy awarding of Administrative Justice for the benefit of thousands citizens who have brought the relevant appeals.

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Meeting to ⁢Resolve EFKA Backlog:‍ A ‍Collaborative Effort to Speed Up Justice

In a significant move aimed at enhancing the efficiency of‍ the Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens, the Minister​ of Labor and Social Security, Adonis Georgiadis, convened⁤ a working meeting with‌ notable ​figures in the Greek legal and administrative realm. ⁢The ‍meeting, which took place recently, included prominent attendees such as the President ⁢of the Three-member Board of Directors of the Administrative Court of First Instance⁣ of ⁤Athens, Marina-Angeliki Soupou, the Vice-President of the Legal Council of the​ State, Charalambos Briscolas, and Alexandros Varveris Georgiadis, the commander of the EFKA (National Social Security Agency).

Supported‌ by the⁤ Minister ⁤of Justice, Giorgos Floridis, and the Deputy Minister of ​Labor‌ and Social Security, Vassilis Spanakis, this​ collaborative session⁤ was focused on addressing a pressing ⁣issue: the⁤ resolution of over 4,000 pending cases⁣ related to⁤ e-EFKA at the Administrative Court.

The Need for Reform

The Greek social security system, particularly the EFKA, has faced criticism for delays in processing claims and managing related legal matters. ‍With an⁤ overwhelming backlog,‌ the current administrative framework is under ⁢immense pressure, impacting ‍thousands of citizens reliant on timely social security services.​

The backlog comprises various‌ cases where beneficiaries seek justice on issues related to ⁢their social⁢ security benefits, pensions, and retirement plans. ‌In response to the growing public concern and to ensure citizens receive their rightful benefits ​without undue ​delay, Minister Adonis Georgiadis underscored the necessity of this meeting.

A Comprehensive ‍Plan​ for Resolution

During the ‌discussions,⁢ the attendees formulated a structured action plan aiming to alleviate approximately 80% of the backlog. This goal‌ reflects a commitment to enhancing the administration ‌of justice and ensuring quicker responses to citizen inquiries and cases.

Key Strategies ⁣Discussed

  1. Increase⁢ Efficiency of‍ Case Handling: By hiring and⁢ training additional staff within the courts and EFKA, the team plans⁢ to enhance case-processing capabilities.
  1. Digital Solutions: Leveraging‍ technology to streamline the case management system will allow for quicker tracking and processing of pending cases.
  1. Prioritization of Cases: Establishing criteria for prioritizing urgent cases will ensure that those needing immediate attention receive it promptly.
  1. Regular Monitoring and Reporting:‍ Instituting regular reviews of the process effectiveness will help in making necessary adjustments and maintaining transparency in case management.

Minister Adonis Georgiadis’s⁤ Remarks

Following the productive discussions, Minister Georgiadis expressed optimism and determination regarding the proposed changes. He emphasized, “This meeting marks a pivotal step in our collective effort to enhance the efficiency of our judicial⁤ system. Our priority is to ⁢ensure⁢ that citizens can depend on ‌a reliable​ social security administration without undue delays.”

He also reinforced the⁣ government’s commitment to reforming the⁤ administrative judicial processes, particularly in ⁢supporting those facing difficulties in accessing their social rights.

Collaborative Efforts Moving Forward

The meeting⁣ not‌ only ⁣highlighted the government’s proactive ⁢approach to judicial backlogs but also showcased the importance ​of cooperation between various state‌ entities. By⁤ bringing together legal experts, governmental authorities, and​ judicial ⁤representatives, the initiative aims to create a streamlined approach ​in tackling existing issues within the ⁢EFKA.


The efforts ‌led by Minister Adonis Georgiadis, along with key judicial figures, mark an essential development in the pursuit of a more effective and citizen-friendly ⁤administrative ‍justice system in Greece. With a clear ‍plan to eradicate the backlog, the initiative aims to restore trust in public institutions and ensure‍ that citizens receive their due social security ‌benefits promptly.

Stay Updated

For further updates regarding the administration⁢ of EFKA and social security reforms in Greece,‍ keep an eye on official announcements and follow relevant developments through⁣ reputable news outlets. ⁤Together, let’s contribute to a more efficient justice⁤ system that serves the​ needs of all citizens.

Keywords: Adonis Georgiadis, EFKA, Administrative ⁣Court Athens, social security backlog, administrative justice, Greece, Marina-Angeliki Soupou, Charalambos Briscolas, ⁢legal reform, efficiency in processing cases.



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