Efficiency and Support for Job Seekers: Forem’s Role and Collaboration with Private Sector

2023-12-21 14:49:50

If there are already operators who take care of this monitoring and if Forem will also soon do it for people who arrive at the CPAS, today, an advisor at Forem handles the files of 260 people on average per year. In comparison, in Denmark for example, one counselor is responsible for monitoring 60 people. Can we really speak of inefficiency? How can we best support those who need it, particularly applicants who do not have qualifications? Are there enough concrete actions to bring these people into professions in shortage and bring them back to training that provides employment?

For Marie-Kristine Van Bockestael, Forem’s action is starting to bear fruit but we must also question the nature of the job that is offered. She notes that today employment must be attractive in terms of job quality, remuneration, working conditions and flexibility.

Is Forem ready to make greater use of the private sector to support a higher number of job seekers? This is the question asked by Cécile Neven, CEO of the Walloon Business Union, who is well aware of the problem of companies struggling to find labor and specifically qualified labor. For Marie-Kristine Van Bockestael, it is obvious that the Forem must work with partners. If it already surrounds itself with a whole series of operators in the commercial or non-commercial private sector, Forem might intensify its collaboration with private placement agencies which often accompany job seekers on short journeys in order to be more efficient.

#essential #pillar #job #searching #Wallonia #Forem #ineffective

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