2023-07-25 12:00:00
During the follow-up period, eye examinations were carried out in order to measure the evolution of the thickness of the nerve fiber layer of their retina. – Credit:EMMANUEL JACQUES / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP
Irritations, respiratory problems, etc. The problems caused by air pollution are already well known. Here is another. According to a study conducted by researchers from Inserm (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) and the University of Bordeaux, prolonged exposure to fine particles might promote eye aging. A phenomenon that might lead to glaucoma. This neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve is characterized by a thinning of the nerve fiber layer of the retina, it is also the second cause of blindness in the world.
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This is the first prospective study carried out on this subject, it was conducted with a cohort of 683 elderly people from Bordeaux, whose follow-up lasted ten years. During this period, eye examinations were frequently carried out in order to measure the evolution of the thickness of the layer of nerve fibers of the retina. And the results are irrevocable.
READ ALSOAir pollution: how did we classify all the municipalities? Scientists have shown “accelerated thinning of the nerve fiber layer of the retina in people more exposed to the atmospheric pollutionespecially those with greater exposure to fine particles (particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns = PM2.5). This study therefore suggests a possible increase […] Read more
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