Effective Malaria Prevention Tips: VAPP, Protective Clothing, Repellents, and More

2023-07-20 00:02:57

VAPP is the basis of malaria prevention. It concerns all endemic areas and must be implemented from dusk till dawnperiod of anopheles activity.

Wear long, covering clothes (pants and long sleeves). The impregnation of clothing and fabrics with insecticides is no longer recommended due to an unfavorable benefit-risk ratio.

Apply repellents to uncovered skin :

contraindicated before the age of 6 months; apply at most: 1 time per day between 6 months and the age of walking; 2 times per day from the age of walking to 12 years; 3 times per day after 12 years ; do not apply on hands and face; in children < 12 ans, le produit doit être appliqué par un adulte ;produit et concentrations selon l’âge :6 mois à 1 an : IR3535 10-20 % ;1 an à 2 ans : IR3535 10-20 % ou DEET 10 % ;2 ans à 3 ans : IR3535 25-35 % ou DEET 30-50 % ou icaridine (= picaridine ou KBR3023) 10-25 % ;> 3 years: IR3535 25-35% or DEET 30-50% or icaridin (= picaridin or KBR3023) 10-25% or Eucalyptus citriodora oil 10-30%

Not recommended: insect repellent bracelets, essential oils, vitamin B1, ultrasound devices, sticky adhesive tapes and papers without insecticide, homeopathy…

Sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito netafter washing the child with soap and water to remove traces of repellent.

Residential measures are supplementary measures (do not replace the PPAV): air conditioning, ventilation, electric diffusers, smoke coils. Warning: place an infant more than 1 meter from an electric diffuser; use smoke coils only outdoors. For an expatriation, window mosquito nets are essential and peri-domiciliary measures (fight against breeding sites) have their place.

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