EFET alert: Recalls burgers due to salmonella

Burgers are recalled from the market by the Unified Food Control Agency due to the presence of salmonella. In particular, the EFET and in particular the Regional Directorate of Central Macedonia, according to

carrying out checks in the framework of the Program “Official Control of Microbiological Food Safety Criteria” of the year 2024, sampled a fresh meat preparation (pork-beef) with the following information: “TRADITIONAL FRESH STEAK” weighing 0.600 kg, with date of manufacture: 07/27/2024 LOT 27.07.2024 60230007 and date of consumption by: 08/08/2024.






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The manufacturer/packager is the company “KASIDIS SA” with the distinguishing title “PHARMA ELASSONAS”.

Following laboratory analyzes at the laboratory of the Food Testing and Research Institute of Thessaloniki, the presence of the pathogenic microorganism Salmonella spp. in the above sample.

EFET has demanded the immediate recall of the entire specific batch of the product in question and the relevant controls are already underway. At the same time, it calls on consumers who have purchased the above product not to consume it.

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#EFET #alert #Recalls #burgers #due #salmonella



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