Educational Institutions Need to Undergo Reform

KPK Supervisory Board Socializes Corruption Prevention at USK Banda Aceh: (MI/Amiruddin Abdullah Reubee)

INSTITUTIONS of education are suspected of contributing to the degradation of the ethics of state administrators. Education, which should be an agent of moral change, often fails to carry out its role.

This was emphasized by political sociology expert, Masdar Hilmy when he was a speaker in a focus group discussion (FGD) entitled The Fragility of State Administrators’ Ethics: Social and Educational Ethics which was held at Malang State University, East Java, Monday (2/9).

“Our educational institutions are so under a political structure that they erode quality,” he said.

The ethical problem is further exacerbated by the teaching of morals in educational institutions which tends to be verbal and normative through memorization methods, but is not visible in practice.

“A social ethic that is applicable but rational and practical is needed,” said Masdar.

He called for deep reforms in the educational structure and social ethics regulations to improve the quality of education. Masdar also stressed that ethics must be an integral part of everyday educational practices.

In the same place, Taman Siswa Education expert, Ki Darmaningtyas, said that education today is no longer a process of enlightening the nation, but merely fulfilling constitutional obligations.

“Ideologically, education is not seen as the responsibility of the state, but as a burden. Since 2016 there has been a lie, because it turns out that the education budget is 20% partly for the village fund budget,” he said.

The problem of education is further exacerbated by the increasing cost of education, but the quality is poor.

“Commercialization of Education is increasingly vulgar, especially in higher education. The process of capitalization, privatization, liberalization is increasingly massive and worse, this is supported by regulations,” he said.

Education observer, Doni Koesoema also sees that there are still ethical issues in the world of Indonesian education. Both carried out by teachers/lecturers, and students.

This makes the Integrity Index of the world of education only get an index of 73.70. The index issued by the Corruption Eradication Commission shows that strengthening integrity in education circles is still weak.

“The Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) revealed that 33% of the school budget was corrupted,” he said.

The root of the problem of poor education indicators, continued Doni, is the weak moral integrity of public officials. On the other hand, the infrastructure to achieve education goals in Indonesia is also inadequate.

“This is concerning, no matter how good a person is, if they enter our education structure, they will be tempted to commit corruption until they can be caught by the KPK. The impact is that education will not progress,” he said.

To change these weaknesses, it takes individuals with high integrity who are able to change the existing structure. Strengthening individuals will also produce results with better educational transformation and governance.

The Chancellor of Malang State University, Hariyono, emphasized the importance of making Pancasila the basis and orientation in education.

“It should be noted that every education always has a purpose. In Indonesia, the purpose is to create a whole and complete Indonesian human being so that they are aware as citizens, world citizens, and state administrators,” he said.

He criticized the education system that no longer internalizes the values ​​of Pancasila and instead focuses on achieving formalities without paying attention to quality and moral values.

Hariyono also highlighted the challenges in integrating Pancasila as an ethical paradigm in education and the importance of the family institution as the main foundation of education.

He urged that education in Indonesia be more in line with Pancasila values ​​and focus more on developing critical attitudes and social sensitivity. (Z-8)

#Educational #Institutions #Undergo #Reform



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