Laurent Despyadministrator of the Academy of Research and Higher Education (ARES)was Fabrice’s guest Grosfilly this Wednesday on Bel RTL. A the occasion of the return to the superior, this morning he tackled the issue which is on everyone’s lips: a potential reform of the university calendar.
Since the end of August, a new school calendar (the one for nursery/primary/secondary) entered into force. For the first time, the little French speakers returned to school not on September 1, but on August 29. The All Saints and Carnival holidays go from one to two weeks. The next summer holidays will therefore be reduced to seven weeks. The goal is to have six weeks of classes for two weeks off.
And in higher education? Laurent Despy gives details while using the conditional. “There are leads on the table. A working group has been set up with all the players to think regarding it. There is a real desire to succeed.“
A consensus is emerging and concretely, this timetable might therefore be as follows: a comeback in Higher Education at the end of August, a first exam session just before the Christmas holidays. The other two exam sessions might take place in early June and early July respectively. “To from the moment when in the compulsory, we calculate the rhythm of the child and that we estimate that there is a phase of learning and rest, we might imagine that in higher education, we follow tracks like those.“
Applicable from next year? “2023/2024. We hope this will be for the start of the 2023 school year.“