Education Night Started: Weretilneck and other governors talk about literacy

2023-09-12 22:17:00

Officials, social leaders, businessmen, communicators, cultural leaders and other personalities meet at Education Nighta meeting organized by Argentinos por la Educación to debate the priority challenges of educational agenda and make literacy visible. On this occasion the governor-elect and current senator, Alberto Weretilneckis one of the great guests.

The event takes place in the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (Malba), on Avenida Figueroa Alcorta 3415, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and is hosted by the actress and presenter Laura Fernandez.

The meeting, which is being held for the second consecutive year, will have the participation of the elected governors of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora; Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella; Missions, Hugo Passalacqua; Saint Louis, Claudio Poggi; and Río Negro, with Weretilneck, who will talk with the journalist Maite Pistiner on the challenges of education in her next termsAnd pThey will come up with different ideas to work on the existing problems regarding literacy.

One of the purposes of the event is to make visible what is happening with literacy in our country, since the results of the ERCE tests (UNESCO) show that 1 in 2 3rd graders does not understand what they read.


This worrying and alarming fact was what called Argentinos por la Educación along with 130 other civil society organizations, institutions, chambers, academics and experts, to launch, under the slogan #NoEntiendenLoQueLeenthe National Campaign for Literacy.

As part of the Literacy Campaign, a Federal Tour was also started, with activities and meetings with organizations, educational leaders, teachers, academics, authorities and families from the provinces.

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In these last two months, Argentinos por la Educación has already passed through Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán and Santiago del Estero, and 9 governors and elected governors committed to working on literacy policies in their efforts. The purpose is to ensure that all children in our country understand what they read in 3rd grade.

Who participates in the second edition of Education Night

Among the confirmed guests at Education Night arethe Minister of Social Development of the Nation, Victoria Tolosa Paz; the leaders Diego Santilli and Malena Galmarini; Senators Martín Lousteau and Julio Cobos. The national legislators María Eugenia Vidal, Daniel Arroyo, Sabrina Ajmchet, Martín Tetaz, Silvia Lospenatto and Ricardo López Murphy; and Buenos Aires, Ofelia Fernandez, Roberto García Moritán and Ramiro Marra. The former national ministers of Education Nicolás Trotta and Susana Decibe, and provincial ones, Mariano Narodowski and Mario Oporto.

#Education #Night #Started #Weretilneck #governors #talk #literacy

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